Trainwreck, first grow, 3x3 scrog 600w


Well-Known Member
The final dried/cured weight after 6 weeks was 8oz after factoring in all the "sampling"/gifting to friends I've done lol. Very happy with that number for a single plant first grow that took 122 days from seed to harvest, and I still have yet to make bubble hash from the trimmings. Grow number two will commence in the spring, and I'll be doing the same thing, but with Bruce Banner, and shooting for 10oz dried. Only changes will be: 20/4 in veg, more training and earlier topping before scrog is put in place, a more dialed in nute schedule based on my newfound experience with ffof, and 55 days veg instead of 47.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for taking the time to look at my journal. I will post link to second grow here as a final post in the spring when I get it rolling.