TrainWreck GreenHouse

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
yo Welsh Wizzard im intrigued by your fan/filter setup. i have mine inverted to the way yours is i.e. i have the fan sucking air in from inside the tent going through a ducting tube to outside the tent through the carbon filter, so its pulling air from the vents at the tent bottom.

im wondering is it better to reverse that and have it sucking air from the outside and pushing it through the filter into the tent?! or does it make a difference if its cycling air in and out?!?! i might ask this as a thread on its own. any advice ?:bigjoint:

any pics of the AI going?

welsh wizz

Well-Known Member
The fan is sucking air out of the tent through the filter first as Iv said no ducting required, and bottom vent open letting freash air in and a fan circulating the cool air inside the tent, I have a window in the room open 24hr.
The ai is a friends grow.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
lol gotcha! mines the same way but the filters outside the tent.:dunce: think ill do away with my ducting too when i move crib. does your fan make much noise ww? mine makes a kanny humming noise, im thinking of packing a box with some cotton wool and surrounding it to try n dampen the thing.

welsh wizz

Well-Known Member
I took mine apart and insulated the motor, also rewired it so it was'nt running flat out, the filter sat on the fan also cut some of the nosie out.
Both the wife and I sleep fine with it all on at night.


Well-Known Member
hey WW i like the set up.. u think i will need carbon filter for small grow. lets say 6 to 10 plants? and if so about how far into the grow?

welsh wizz

Well-Known Member
I love the smell, if it was'nt for police sniffer dogs and nosey neighbours I would'nt bother with it.
As for when to use all of the flowering period, you dont want to be setting up filter in the middle of your flowering, thats just asking for an accident to happen.
My haze I grew last year had a very strong smell at the start of vegging, supper nice smoke too.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
I took mine apart and insulated the motor, also rewired it so it was'nt running flat out, the filter sat on the fan also cut some of the nosie out.
Both the wife and I sleep fine with it all on at night.

ive read a thread on here somewhere about reducing the speed of the fan, but my temps are usually that high i dunno if it would be a good idea?! did you need a separate bit of kit to slow the motor? im fairly innept with electronics, dont want to knack the thing


welsh wizz

Well-Known Member
I would set it up with no ducting first to see if you get a temp reduction,and fit filter direct to fan.
The easiest way is to fit a variable resister,(volume switch) so long as it is rated the same as the fan.
If your not sure what your doing leave it alone,or play around with an old fan you dont mind throwing away.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
good advice WW i might see if i get a small 6 inch fan and transfer the resister so it has 2 speeds and if itll fit in the casing! cheers man

welsh wizz

Well-Known Member
Day 60 of flower

Had last feed on sunday, will only water from now till harvest.

Pics are from sunday too would have posted earlier but my rooter stopped working,:wall: Iv had to bum one off my mate.:bigjoint:


Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
lookin great WW! frosty!! most of the hairs are looking turned ? how long you think youll flush for? do you use a clearing solution?


Well-Known Member
Looking great WW. That is going to be such a good smoke.
Well done for taking her full term. ;)

welsh wizz

Well-Known Member
My plan is to water as norm on next watering with just 100ml of runoff.
Let her dry out then flush with ph 7 water untill runoff ph comes close to 7.
Leave her untill soil is bone dry then cut, so about 11 to 14 days depends on how quickly she uses up the water.

Clearing solution? What like Demestos lmao. There shouldent be any feed left in the soil doing it this way, never had a harsh smoke from last grow.:mrgreen:

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
My plan is to water as norm on next watering with just 100ml of runoff.
Let her dry out then flush with ph 7 water untill runoff ph comes close to 7.
Leave her untill soil is bone dry then cut, so about 11 to 14 days depends on how quickly she uses up the water.

Clearing solution? What like Demestos lmao. There shouldent be any feed left in the soil doing it this way, never had a harsh smoke from last grow.:mrgreen:
dude your really on top of your game i never pay that much attention to run off ph or amount i just flush it for a about 5 days alternating water and final phase ( advanced nutes bit like mr muscle drain unblocker for plant steriod abuse lol) n mine never tastes chemically. but im guessing as with all things dope growing the more effort you put in the greater reward. i think ill get a proper ph pen and start payin attention:dunce:

good tip about letting the soil go bone dry i bet the plant really sucks the last life out of the leaves and all its sugar n starch. top tip!