TrainWreck GreenHouse

welsh wizz

Well-Known Member
Hi mr west

So here we go

There is a new growth below the first set of leafs, a bit strange never had this before?


welsh wizz

Well-Known Member
Hi don its getting the fan on it early that helped build up the steam,
here is a better pic of that growth.

It looks like its growing a clone for me

mr west

Well-Known Member
Nice looking shit there welshy, nothing like my traiwreck lol, mine was a paler green and mor sat looking leafs

welsh wizz

Well-Known Member
Its ok we have it covered, just got to pack everything away! hope it dont take more than an hour, got a place for plant hehe

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
chillax WW if i was inspecting a house id look on it as a big plus point having a cupboard full of ganja:lol:

hows tricks other than that?!



Well-Known Member
Well howd that Inspection go? Hopefully nothing was found. just see a 3 day empty thread hope for the best.

welsh wizz

Well-Known Member
Inspection no problems, got an electrcian in soon, so she will have to go back into hidding when he calls.:lol:
Iv repotted this morrning so here she is,



Well-Known Member
Lookin good there mate, nice n healthy, lush green-ness lol

That extra growth i get on most of my plants too mate, it grows out from where the cotyledons are and normally starts when the plant is at about 5 or 6 nodes for me, i normally cut it off as soon as it starts lol its just extra growth leeching nutrients frm the top. Roses get them all the time, i remember me grandad moaning about it on his huge rose bushes, fuckin suckers he called them lol