

Well-Known Member
whos used it
whos liked its effects
whould they do it again
experiences on it
Fried.. DXM will increase the effects of tramadol, not sure if you're into that at all, but even a dose of DXM, less that you would take to trip, will boost the Tramadol experience.

90-120mg DXM was what I would take along with 4-5 Tramadol. A friend gave me 25 Tramadol as payment, and the DXM Tramadol combo was working great for me. I dont deserve cridit for this idea however because I read abot it somewhere. I even heard that doctors would suggest it so patients would be able to kill the pain with 1 or 2 Tramadol instead of a handful, because the DXM makes it act better. You can probably find more info online if you're interested.

fried at 420

Well-Known Member
Fried.. DXM will increase the effects of tramadol, not sure if you're into that at all, but even a dose of DXM, less that you would take to trip, will boost the Tramadol experience.

90-120mg DXM was what I would take along with 4-5 Tramadol. A friend gave me 25 Tramadol as payment, and the DXM Tramadol combo was working great for me. I dont deserve cridit for this idea however because I read abot it somewhere. I even heard that doctors would suggest it so patients would be able to kill the pain with 1 or 2 Tramadol instead of a handful, because the DXM makes it act better. You can probably find more info online if you're interested.
that sounds sick
yea tramadol is my new fav opiate
6 and im dun