Transfer shock?


Well-Known Member
hey hotrod, do they increase water temps at all? have you measured with the uv on and off? just curious.

did you look at his pic that i was asking about? doesn't it look like the water is halfway up into the netpot?
Now that I am on a PC and not a phone I agree with the liquid level. Not good. As far as the temps it raised it probably a few degrees but I was living in Alaska and res temps were a lot easier to control. A waterfall helps aerate and cool if at all possible. In fact it was a waterfall and all the open air that caused me to begin using one. Sourdough starter = 1 cup of flour and 1 cup of water. Stir well. NO SUGAR! Leave in a jar with the top open in a warm area like your kitchen for a few hours then cover with a clean cloth and keep it on the water heater. Pray you got a beneficial one. It will start. Promise you.


Active Member
i think i see one problem. where is the water level at in this pic? it's hard to tell but it looks way too high.

also, instead of h2o2 as a temporary fix, pick up a bottle of Dutchmaster Zone. it's cheap to use and works really well. your water temps are great but that doesn't mean you can't get root rot.
Okay so when I made a new batch of nutes with 1/4 strength today i lowered the water level. I always thought since the roots were in the water that at least for a little period they should be i the water. Thats the reason why I had the water level so I high. I look into Dutchmaster Zone. Thanks

I began using large aquarium UV filter pumps in addition to the air pumps. 90 gal/hr units are very cheap and extremely effective in keeping the bacteria at bay.
I search for that pump as i"m very interested and read about them on a couple other post

More roots are poking through but not a lot. almost like brand new roots, Im talking two or three a half inch or so.