Well-Known Member
Now that I am on a PC and not a phone I agree with the liquid level. Not good. As far as the temps it raised it probably a few degrees but I was living in Alaska and res temps were a lot easier to control. A waterfall helps aerate and cool if at all possible. In fact it was a waterfall and all the open air that caused me to begin using one. Sourdough starter = 1 cup of flour and 1 cup of water. Stir well. NO SUGAR! Leave in a jar with the top open in a warm area like your kitchen for a few hours then cover with a clean cloth and keep it on the water heater. Pray you got a beneficial one. It will start. Promise you.hey hotrod, do they increase water temps at all? have you measured with the uv on and off? just curious.
did you look at his pic that i was asking about? doesn't it look like the water is halfway up into the netpot?