Transferring plants from soil to dwc


Active Member
I have 7 Mazar x white rhino clones currently growing in coco coir, their about 12"-18" in height, and I'm about to begin flowering. I have a 7 bucket dwc setup that currently has some jack herer that's on week 12 of flowering.

Can I just take the plants and rinse all the coco off the roots then move them into 10" net pots? Or does it do more harm than good?

Thanks in advance


Well-Known Member
Moving from Coco to DWC is much less of a pain that moving from soil to DWC. I was going to come here and explain the harms of it, but moving from coco isn't bad. You get to have a nice week long lull where the plant looks a bit confused, but it should recover easy enough. Coco is a sterile medium so just rinse all of it off and spread the roots around in their new home. Make sure they stay well hydrated after transplant.


Well-Known Member
If you have a large bucket filled with warm water, you can submerge the roots and gently wash the coco off. And if you leave a bit big deal. Just try not to break too many roots...