Transitioning 24 hour vegging clones outdoors


Well-Known Member
I have a 4 month old Blue Dream clone and a few month olds that I want to grow for the outdoor season. The thing is that I have been giving them 24 hrs of light. All day outside and fluoros at night. Anyone have any tips on how to keep them from flowering when moving them outdoors???
Its spring, they don't start flowering till summer outside, harvest in Aug/sep outside, its the right time of year 2 plant, if its a little plant cut a clear bottle open and put it over the plant to help up the humidity


Well-Known Member
Some strains will start to flower when dropping the light cycle from 24 hours. I heard that in some cases all it takes is a few hours of darkness to make a 24 hour vegging plant to start flowering. I'm trying to avoid this. I been vegging one plant for 4 months now and the rest for like month and a half. All 24 hour lighting.
Its spring, they don't start flowering till summer outside, harvest in Aug/sep outside, its the right time of year 2 plant, if its a little plant cut a clear bottle open and put it over the plant to help up the humidity
Its all about timing, getting it at the right time, it might start flowering but it'll revert back 2 veg as summer kicks in full swing. Giving it yet even more time to grow + get bigger for ya harvest at the end of the year, its how they do it in nature :)

phil k

Well-Known Member
Its spring, they don't start flowering till summer outside, harvest in Aug/sep outside, its the right time of year 2 plant, if its a little plant cut a clear bottle open and put it over the plant to help up the humidity
no actually i have put veg out this early and they have flowered i actually used to put my males out at the begging of april just to get my pollen collation done outside.. but we are getting fairly deep into spring so your good with putting them out

but eres a few things one you need to harden them off.. put them out on the back deck all day bring them in at night for about 4-5 days then leave them out all day for 4 days on the deck... then plant them into what ever your planting them to.. you need to harden them off to the climate and shit first.. or they will die.

the other thing is your taking young plants outside right when the bugs are going to start coming and all the animals are feeding so make sure you protect them some how

phil k

Well-Known Member
I have a 4 month old Blue Dream clone and a few month olds that I want to grow for the outdoor season. The thing is that I have been giving them 24 hrs of light. All day outside and fluoros at night. Anyone have any tips on how to keep them from flowering when moving them outdoors???
where are you located anyway cause thats going to play a role in bringing them out.. i mean here in michigan its still too cold to put anything outside... two weeks or so we will be fine but we are still getting in the 40's here and lower at night


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the reply. They are already hardened , I been putting them outside in full sun all day and under fluoros at night for at least a month on some and at least 2-3 months on my biggest one. When you put yours outside, were you vegging for 24 hours prior?
no actually i have put veg out this early and they have flowered i actually used to put my males out at the begging of april just to get my pollen collation done outside.. but we are getting fairly deep into spring so your good with putting them out

but eres a few things one you need to harden them off.. put them out on the back deck all day bring them in at night for about 4-5 days then leave them out all day for 4 days on the deck... then plant them into what ever your planting them to.. you need to harden them off to the climate and shit first.. or they will die.

the other thing is your taking young plants outside right when the bugs are going to start coming and all the animals are feeding so make sure you protect them some how

phil k

Well-Known Member
Thanks for the reply. They are already hardened , I been putting them outside in full sun all day and under fluoros at night for at least a month on some and at least 2-3 months on my biggest one. When you put yours outside, were you vegging for 24 hours prior?
no i never run 24 hour lighting in veg.. one too expensive but two your plants need that break to rest and recoup... its more stressful to run 24hr lights.. you can but i don't recommend it


Well-Known Member
The thing is ive already been vegging them under 24/0 period. Thats what I plan to do , lower the lighting period to get them accustomed to outdoor nights. But I don't how much darkness should I start giving them. Im not worried about predators, im just worried that the plants will start to flower as soon as I introduce them to darkness since they been vegging under 24/0. They can handle the outdoors already in full sun , but dont know if they can handle the nights without triggering them to flower.

no i never run 24 hour lighting in veg.. one too expensive but two your plants need that break to rest and recoup... its more stressful to run 24hr lights.. you can but i don't recommend it

phil k

Well-Known Member
The thing is ive already been vegging them under 24/0 period. Thats what I plan to do , lower the lighting period to get them accustomed to outdoor nights. But I don't how much darkness should I start giving them. Im not worried about predators, im just worried that the plants will start to flower as soon as I introduce them to darkness since they been vegging under 24/0. They can handle the outdoors already in full sun , but dont know if they can handle the nights without triggering them to flower.
they won't trigger into flower from 24 to outdoors... thats not going to happen ... if thats happened to someone they put it out to early and didn't realize the sun wasn't at its 16+hour day... or whatever the hell it is thats the minimum for keeping plants in veg...

but your fine with that..

if they are hardened off leave them out over night a few days and monitor them


Well-Known Member
I've vegged under 24hrs for 5 yrs and never had reveg issues putting them out mid-may. my theory is since they've never had a night. they start sensing the days are getting longer right off the bat and stay in their veg cycle. I'd say your safe aslong as daylight is 14+ hrs. but also check with some norcal growers too, ive read some saying they reveg until june 1st. im in canada so we have longer days and theres a bigger difference in the amount of daylight everyday. also ive read that seedlings have an easier time adjusting than clones


Well-Known Member
You can absolutely have plants start to flower with only a couple hours of darkness, if they've only had 24 hours of light. I would start really small with 15 minutes of darkness at first, for at least a few days. You could also have a weak light on during the dark cycle at first, just to help minimize the stress. I had a bunch of early outdoor seedlings under 24 hours of light and they flowered when I turned lights off to spray for a few hours. Only 3 hours of darkness, 3 times in one week. Plants closest to the T5 didn't flower but everything except my indoor, did. The rest I have been cutting an hour off the light cycle every 4 days, still had some plants flower and plenty that haven't and I'm down to 17 hours of light. My indoor varieties which have been around for awhile and previously have experienced dark cycles, were unaffected by turning lights out to spray. Re-veg outside, means losing precious veg time.


Well-Known Member
Clones that I intend to transplant outside, I always start & grow on 18/6, then just before planting out I drop it to 16/8 for 1 week. But If I intend to flower them outside right away (light dep), I grow them on 24hr & then give them 1 week of 12/12 to trigger the flip before they go outside.....


Well-Known Member
Anyone have any tips on how to keep them from flowering when moving them outdoors???
Simple. Just add some cfl supplemental lights
for night time and they won't flower and then
when your ready to flower just remove the
supplementals anytime after June 21st which
is the longest day of the year.
Extra super easy to keep 24 hour indoor/outdoor veg plants in veg outdoors
for ever and ever if you want.
