Transplant again? - Root Growth


my plants are 5 weeks old,still in veg. around 10inch tall+LST, i have crazy root growth, thire in 5 galon pots and still coming out from drange holes!!! i have no space for biger pots!! what should i do?? is it okay to leave them where they are or i must trasplant??

attached pic is roots befor i transplant into 5 galon pot.



Sector 5 Moderator
5 gallon pots will give you a nice sized plant - not huge but plenty big for an indoor grow. I've used 3 gal grow bags and grew off some very nice plants.


attached pic, is the roots on the drange hole..

any body have any idea why they have growen like this?? and how can i fix it



Well-Known Member
thats pretty normal. the question is how much more medium they have to grow into.
if you can pull the whole medium out of the pot by the main stem you need to repot.
if not - you don't.

if you can't allow any bigger pots you might want to flip to flowering. during flowering they will grow much less roots.

its said that plants develop less roots if they don't have a dark cicle. so you might wanna give 24\0 light regime a try if not using it already.
never tested that however.


Sector 5 Moderator
About the only thing to do is get bigger container. If you're going to transplant anyway, might as well get some benefit out of it since it will shock the plant for a few days. More room will allow it to recover quicker.


Well-Known Member
It's nothing to worry about. Unless you use a gigantic sized pot, you will always see roots poking out of the drainage holes, because roots are always trying to spread out to new areas. Stick with 3-5 gallon pots, unless you plant to grow some monster plants, and you'll be fine. :)