Transplant at morning, noon or night


New Member
Do you guys have any recommendations on what time of the day to transplant?
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Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Well-Known Member

I prefer to transplant late evening, just a few hours before lights out, this is not a proven technique but rather a personal preference.
Dr. Jekyll

I like to transplant first thing in the early morning, as I'm drunk by noon and would likely kill the bitches
Mr. Hyde


New Member
Thanks guys. Just wanted to ask some more experienced guys. Transplanted them last night into a coco mix soaked with a 350 ppm solution.

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Well-Known Member
If you go by the Weed Farmer's Almanac pot should be planted in hazy conditions at either 4:20 AM or PM, it really does not matter.
I'm a newbie, so this is only my two cents..... but from what I've researched and I my self, haven't had any failures as of yet. I do mine at night because mainly they say reduces chances of mold. Plus, one other thing which I found out the hard way is try to wait till your soil is dry (before your next needed watering) this holds everything in the pot together making it a lot easier to remove and transplant. I moved one when wet, and all the shit blew apart exposing roots and all. It sucked big time Man ! :mrgreen:
Mr AimAim, Hey Man, you got me there. I have no idea. I am like one of those that believes anything if it's on the internet...:hump: Na just joking, I real don't remember why, but I think I like doing the nasty at night cause the bitch has the entire night to recover and adjust to their new soil environment and won't have to deal with the sunlight till the next morning. You know how it is when your hung over and you get home real late and the freaking sunlight comes through the freaking windows and freaks you out........Then you get stressed out and turn girly for the rest of the day. Same with the weed - stress the bitch and you got yourself a nice HERMAPHRODITE :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member

  • I do mine at night because mainly they say reduces chances of mold.​

  • That my fellow grower is a perfect example of either:
    1- "Left Handed Logic"
    2-"Dyslexia Logic"
    3-"Backwards Logic"

    In all seriously sillyness...
    The OP here asked the question after he had already Transplanted his plant!
    But he came on here and asked us anyway...
    So, it's not a dumb question, except the timing is dumb....​



Well-Known Member
I usually transplant after I've had enough beer to cause my k/d ratio in CoD to start going toward the crapper.
