Transplant halfway through flowering or not?


600 Watt Grow Light Omega PRo its my first time growing ever i have 4 plants all of the same size they smell so potent its unreal they just dont seem to want to stop growing


Well-Known Member
Gquebed, this is my first time growing so I don't know it at all, I started 5 plants from the best seeds I could find off some gank I got from a friend, and only 2 were females, the 2 plants that are biggest. Now I have been getting all my seeds online but them 2 plants are unknown strain


Well-Known Member
Imnotafed they might be a sativa which will grow throughout most of the flowering stage, do you know what the strain is?


Well-Known Member
Gquebed, this is my first time growing so I don't know it at all, I started 5 plants from the best seeds I could find off some gank I got from a friend, and only 2 were females, the 2 plants that are biggest. Now I have been getting all my seeds online but them 2 plants are unknown strain
Keep us updated on how this turns out for you. Nice looking plants!


Well-Known Member
Thank you Samson I am trying my best to do it right. I have researched everything possible 5 times lol. Now I guess I just have to learn from expierience. I have no clu what people did before the internet, I am a expert at everything thanks to all the info online lol


Well-Known Member
go to - click on newbie central - then click on post new thread. it's on the right side just below you username on the top.