Transplant Issue


Well-Known Member
So basically my outdoor plant has been in a long but very shallow pot since germination. I knew for a while it would be sufficient enough but then realized the stunting it has been causing. Today i transplanted her into a bigger clay pot, while i was transplanting i realized just how bad the roots were being restricted, as they were running horizontally along the wall of the rectangular pot, so what i did was removed the soil surrounding the plant, just to about where i saw roots, then grabbed the soil in a tight ball around the roots and stem and slowly pulled the plant out of the old pots. While i was doing this it was as if the roots were glued to the sides and alot of root was ripped i would say about 5% of the outermost roots and capillaries. Will she be okay? The reason i ask is because i went back a half hour later and each blade on the leaves already were starting to roll up slightly. Is she gunna be alright u think:-|


Well-Known Member
man i wish i knew the answer but i can say is that the plant will experience definate shock symptoms and will probly need some time to recuperate.


just nurse it back to health, keep it in the shade until she looks better, consider it bedrest


Well-Known Member
Keep an eye on her. Should be ok when i transplanted from a small pot to a bigger I damaged some of my roots but it didnt seem to affect it at all.