Transplant method used in autos cut off bottom add to a new container


Active Member
hey there pretty new but with over 8 years of growing and years of lurking around here,

if i cut a bottom container rooted 2 liter bottle into a 5 gal bucket and place it in under the best environment possible condition nutes training lsd supercroping light .... how long will it take to grow in the new container ? is this a good method to do ?

when it gets established, do i have to water it from bottom and or top? if I water it from the bottom would it transmit the water to the top portion ?

i use coco perlite and bottom area just perlite for hempy bucket with organic a dry amendments and teas usually with 2 liter bottle placed in a 5 gal bucket


Well-Known Member
the more gentle the quicker it will establish itself
water from the top as is the norm

IMO still check your nutes with a ph before feeding(pool ph strips at your drugtore are cheap)

good luck


Well-Known Member
I think it's a terrible idea.

Start in plastic starter pots. Transplant as normal into new container. Easy, done.

Good luck with dry amendments in coco. You are asking for issues.


Well-Known Member
Jiffy makes plastic pots for cannabis now that the bottom comes off so not to disturb (I’m assuming). Walmart has them in Canada, not sure bout USA.. they say for cannabis right on them. I can’t find them online anywhere for reference.


Active Member
thx for the responses and anybody with some hempy experiences if its a bigger container don't have to water every day but could i >?


Well-Known Member
thx for the responses and anybody with some hempy experiences if its a bigger container don't have to water every day but could i >?
depends what your medium is
you COULD do whatever you wanted to. i mean you CAN water every 20mins if you wanted to. but youll have drowned plants.