Transplant Question


Ok had my first sprout today! Very Excited! I have them in solo cups right now, when should I transplant the seedlings to a bigger container?


if the seeds where sprouted directly in the soil wait till few leaves have grown and root apears from bottom of pot then transplant direct into big enough container 10ltr is super


Well-Known Member
Ok had my first sprout today! Very Excited! I have them in solo cups right now, when should I transplant the seedlings to a bigger container?
in a couple of weeks if they're growing well, when you see some roots coming out the bottom is when they're getting close to transplanting time.


Well-Known Member
I just transplanted my CC Sour Kush and my Jack Here into bags yesterday. They were started on 1/18. Be sure not to let your plants stretch too much, when they reach around 3" out of the soil, I would lower the light on them. I had mine in a room with a CFL overhead in the ceiling and took a day off. I came back 2 days later and they were around 5" tall and falling over. I was able to wind the extra stalk into the soil and bury it and salvage the seeds, but it was dicey for awhile. I'm still trying to get them to stand up straight, lol.