Transplant, soil level low.

Perfect, now just give them a good poking whenever you water. It helps to get air to the roots and doesn't damage them at all as long as you don't go all Freddy Krueger. Do 6-8 pokes at a time gently. I just started doing this a couple grows ago and it seems to help eliminate dry spots in my media as well.
Perfect, now just give them a good poking whenever you water. It helps to get air to the roots and doesn't damage them at all as long as you don't go all Freddy Krueger. Do 6-8 pokes at a time gently. I just started doing this a couple grows ago and it seems to help eliminate dry spots in my media as well.

6-8 pokes? I go hog-wild I'll poke 'em dozens if not hundreds of times.
Just “poked” several on mine yesterday with that bamboo skewer. I might do a few dozen of various depths in each pot. I also aerate all my water. I also use ROLS and top dress with EWC and fish meal or chicken litter/feather meal at about 4 weeks and when I “poke”.
Being aware, sensitive, and considerate of my friends feelings is a core tennet of what i am and promote as a way of living. I just ignore the ones that do not deserve that sentiment.

I only have one person on 'ignore'. More or less because I realized that this person sort of ruined any positives of RIU with about 75% of their posting. Not worth reading, interacting or dealing with that, so I ignored them. It's been a better experience since.