Transplant: Soil to Hydro


Active Member

Im cutting down my males today in my 6 plant DWC, i scrog'ed from seed which i now know is a bad idea. Cant wait to get the bastards out of there, too bad theyre male they are strong and tall.

Anyways I also have 6 plants in soil that i have sexed that i want to switch over to my DWC. Does anyone has some experience and or suggestions on how you would go about transplanting them. I've repotted before and ended up ripping roots and losing about half of the root system.

(Some of the soil plants were germed into 2inch rockwool cubes then potted in soil and others were planted in purely soil)

thanks in advance,



Uses the Rollitup profile
All right, here's my advice. If you've got sexed female plants in soil, you should take cuttings from them, root the cuttings and put them into your DWC. The soil plant you can use for a mother, or flower her.

HTH :mrgreen:

ablazed blunt

Well-Known Member
Yeah I think that would be the best way also. That way you don't have to worry about losing any of your six females.


Yeah I think that would be the best way also. That way you don't have to worry about losing any of your six females.
I am a first time grower and started 4 seeds in soil which unfortuneatly i bought MG soil, i know stupid noob error. Nothing but pest issues, fungus gnats ate 2 sprouts but 2 survived a Juicy fruit and a Shiskaberry. The juicy fruit is a very slow grower i think its just a shit seed but my shiskaberry took off, it was about 9 inches tall then bamm started getting massive nute definciencies so i figure ph issue and most likely a salt buildup so i flushed it. A week and a half later she is drooping bad looking like hell yellow leaves brown spots white spots but not from spider mites, so i decided its time to make a DWC hydro system and transplant her to try and save her, but while i was removing her from the soil I fucked up big time ripped well over half the root ball off. I thought that was the end of her but i transplanted her anyway now keep in mind my setup is dirt cheap i used an old margarine container which i cut 1/4 x 1 inch slits in and used aquarium decrative marbles (no hydro stores near me ) it has been 5 days and she is starting to grow again, a massive root system is forming aswell now most of the roots are only 1-2 inches long and my PH is around 6.5 which is high for a hydro system but all i can say is so far going from soil to hydro has saved my girl. incase u were wondering i am using 4 23w 6500k cfls with a normal 2ft household flouro with cool white bulbs which is 2x20w and a 45w LED panel, i plan on getting a 400w hps for flowering, my space is 3.5ftx3ftx 6ft tall


New Member
I have a simpler solution. Take the plants out of the soil, wash the roots well under a medium flow of water, If you see any little clods gently remove with fingers and put it in the DWC. You can lay a plant with established roots directly in the hydrotron but be gentle. A little hydrtron in the bottom of the net cup, center your plant and spready your roots and fill the netpot with some hydroton a few pebbles at a time. I did that as a noob myself. It may take a couple days for it to get established but from that point on you're golden.


Well-Known Member
what he said was perfect {Chief bubble} I've also done that a couple times a charm!


I had a similar issue a few weeks ago and did exactly as MostlyCrazy said. After a few days there was a HUGE jump in growth and they are currently doing fine ;)
I had a similar issue a few weeks ago and did exactly as MostlyCrazy said. After a few days there was a HUGE jump in growth and they are currently doing fine ;)
I'm having a very similar issue, used miracle grow.. plant has major fungus issues, yellowing leaves, all that good stuff. I have a DWC system as well now. I want to throw it in there. But do I need to actually stick the roots out of the net cup into the water? and then put rocks over it slowly? Sorry if this seems like a retarded question, just don't want to lose my baby


Well-Known Member
the roots will find their way to the water, dont make the mistake of cutting the netpots so the roots can hang down, you loose all of your meidum that way. if the roots are to much for your netpot, either get a bigget netpot or you can cut some of the roots, not alot but 1/3 wont hurt it at all.