Transplanted 6 week old outdoor Reggie, looks bad.

I transplanted a somewhat large 6-week old reggie plant outdoors from a large pot to regular soil in my garden. Of course i put some of the potting soil in with it, but it looks like it's in bad shock. Any tips? The leaves are limp and moist, and look kinda shriveled. I can post before and after pics if necessary. I really don't want to lose this one.
I'm very concerned because this is the biggest plant I've ever had, it's like my child lol. I moved it due to privacy issues. My dad found it so I had to move it.
Nah lol, this is at my mom's place. I do the lawn work, so it should be cool. My dad just came into the backyard and saw it. Do you have any advice? for the plant's health??