Transplanted from garden now wilting ??


Active Member
Hi I've transplanted 7 armourgeds 4 foot tall from my garden ( staring to smell up the neighbourhood) to my indoor grow room as an experiment . But it's been 3 days on flower and there wilting from day 1 :-(( .I've got 2 x 600hps lamps ..3 trays and 7 plants evenly spaced out.I've not give them any food .. Just water. Temps cool 27.9 max and 19.0 min . I Normaly stick with bio grow food .
Any help would be great , shame to loose them .


Active Member
im sorry to hear about you know if you got all of the roots when you transplanted? its possible that you shocked them when you transplanted by damaging the roots...if not...
then try givving them some food...since theres all kinds of shit in soil outside its possible that they were getting nutes outside and that now they dont have that so they're wanting it.
ill try to help as mush as i can
got any pictures??


Active Member
Thanks for the quick reply.
Not all the roots came up errr as I would have wished!!
Think I must have broke some off ..
I was going to give it some food tommorow but not to sure how much, the tin says 1
mil per lt .
There in 11 lt pots I normaly give my little babies 2 lt every other day ? .


Active Member
np man
what kind of food is it again? 1 milliliter per that what u said? that sound way to little...unless its a concentrate.
i feed my plants a full dose every 3 days
can you get any pics up?


Well-Known Member
first off, when transplanting you can cause shock to the roots. 4 foot tall plants are kinda big to be transplanted. the leaves can be wilting simply because the plant is attempting to survive off it's water supply while it rebuilds its roots.

secondly, you must make sure the plants are not too rootbound when you transplant them. if they are, it might be necessary to make incisions in the rootball to prevent the roots from growing in a circular fashion.


Active Member
the leaves can be wilting simply because the plant is attempting to survive off it's water supply while it rebuilds its roots.
if its doing that than you can spray the leaves and give it a little water....along with watering the soil...just dont water TOO much.
and if you give it some some go really light on the dose cuz you dont wanna kill of the new root system it trying to build


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you changed the photoperiod?(put them on 12/12) If so, you should've waited a few days for them to recover from the transplant, then made the switch. That's an awful lot of stress to be put on them at once, and the reason they're wilting. They'll recover, but, you'll lose some yield.

P.S. Keep an eye out for hermies. :wink:


Active Member
Hi there guys they didnt make it :-(
All take heed :::::: dont move 4fters they die !!
So i got 50 cheese clones ready and they look great .
Will post pics if you wanna see them ?


Active Member
IMG_0327[1].jpgIMG_0328[1].jpgwhat do you think ??
ive got a grow room 8ft x 10ft x 8ft , 3 x 600 hps 3x6" inlets and 3 x 8" outlets with 3 x carbon fillters.1x 6" fan and 1 x 12" fan to move the air inside. all c3ed and 150mm insulation on walls and roof.50 cloned cheese in 7 lt pots, 100lt barrel with bizz grow and when the time comes bio bizz bloom and bio bizz topmax with bloombastic as a pusher.