Transplanted to Ocean Forest - When to nute?


I appreciate all your input when posting here!!!
I took your advise and transplanted to FF's Ocean Forest.
When, how often and what nutes should I use now? I plan to go to 12/12 in two weeks. Hope to harvest 6 to 8 weeks after that.


Active Member
Depending on how big the plant is, you should be good with no nutes for a few weeks. I would use something with a 1-3-2 ratio(ie-5-15-10, 10-30-20) in a few weeks once you switch. You can also use a veg. nute the first time or two for a little nitrogen to begin with. You can feed it every other watering, around 1/2 of what the label says, but you have to watch the plant yourself to see if it needs more or less. You may need to buy some cal/mag also, if you don't have something already. Do you already have your nutes selected?


Well-Known Member
i have had no problem vegging for 8 weeks without using nutes in FFOF. did that in roots once and had n def 2 weeks into flowering.


Thanks for your input.
I have MG 12-4-8 for vegging. Thought I would put that on 1/2 strength in 3 weeks when turning to 12/12.
Then MG 4-12-4 every other watering @ 1/2 strength for flowereing. Do not have cal/mag. What does it do? I am on a budget with one grow behind me. I keep upgrading. I have a 2' X 2' X4' tall grow box with CFL's with 12,000 Lumens of 6400K spectrum lamps. 4 plants in 3 gal. pots squashed into my hidden area. Air intake from house to control temp. and an inline exhaust fan through attic to roof vent. Just turned into a crazy hobby. My 1st grow yielded 1 oz of pure bud. Probably enough to last me a year or two.
Thanks again.


Active Member
You can check the miracle grow nutes to see if they have calcium and magnesium already in them. I can't get cal/mag around here and don't feel the need to order it. I mix a little lime in the soil, and also mix in Plant-tone 5-3-3 with lots of little goodies. They both have calcium and magnesium, and both should be available at a local garden shop.