Transplanting a decent sized mother from aero to soil. Is it too late?

Due to not having my room setup quickly enough, my future mother have gotten much bigger than I originally planned in my aero setup. I was planning on only keeping them in there a week or so after rooting and then moving them into 5 gallon buckets of soil. They are now coming up on 1.5 ft tall with good sized (several feet) of roots.

Question: Is it too late to move these into the 5 gallon buckets of soil?

I'm concerned that maybe the roots will be too used to the easily available oxygen of the aero set up and sufficate.

Option 2 will be to just take cuttings and use them for the mothers.


Well-Known Member
Do both. Use good, free-draining soil and make sure it settles well around the roots. Add a bit at a time and shake into the roots. A chop-stick or similar can help to poke it in. Water in well.
Then take cuttings, or prune back straight away.
My chillies regularly go from from soil or coco to hydroton (flood drain) and back again with good success.