Transplanting and outdoor growing


Well-Known Member
Couple of stupid questions...first question is this...i feel im in an oversized pot and would like to put it in a 12inch pot so I can feed and water more often. Im in 4th week of 12/12 and currently in a 5gallon bucket (i was broke and had them already lol...drilled holes in it for drainage lol) but is it too late to do so ? Mainly asking as I show signs of over watering and am having probs judging when to do so...was doing good in smaller pots.. A lot easier to tell lol

Second question dealing with outdoors...if I start indoors with a 24 hour cycle (broke as previously stated and only have one timer), if I move them outside come spring, will they finish since the cycle would change drastically or would they start to flower, then change back as the days started to get longer ?

Sorry for the noob questions, but im still learning lol
Thanks for your time


Well-Known Member
First off I wouldnt recommend that u transplant during flowering (12/12) because it may shock the plant and result in a weak harvest..But if u let the plants do their thing in that big pot and NOT water as frequently, only when surface is nearing bone dry. Remember it is better to not water than to water too much. I learned that the hard way. And i dont think u should bring the plants out in the spring if they are already flowering now. They will mainly get confused and turn into hermaphridites like Jeff Star. But if u wait until June 21st the summer sullstice then they will continue with flowering with no shock. But dont just put them out and expect them to adapt to the outdoor conditions over night. They have to be hardened off over time.


Active Member
leave in the bucket for now cause its to late to change, it will fuck with ur buds and u would probably get less after the move than before