Transplanting during flowering.


Well-Known Member
I was going to transplant my plant from a 3 gallon pot to a 5 gallon bucket, is that ok about 5 days in to flower. I just don't want to cause the level of stress that could cause it to hermie.


New Member
as long as you didnt roughhouse things around during transplant, you should be fine. of course you may see a couple of days or so of slow or no growth, but all will be well/ youll probably notice a quick jump in plant size if she was rootbound


Well-Known Member
as long as you didnt roughhouse things around during transplant, you should be fine. of course you may see a couple of days or so of slow or no growth, but all will be well/ youll probably notice a quick jump in plant size if she was rootbound
thank you for taking the time to answer my question!


Active Member
Yeah I just transplanted after the first week of flowering. Two pf the plants are going great and one is just a little behind. You can check out my sig and see the grow. I am posting new pics in just a second.


Well-Known Member
plant hermie through light stress or genetics. you cannot make your plant hermie any other way that i know of. so dont worry. just be careful.

correction-their is a 3rd way, but its done intentionaly to make fem seeds. you apply colodial silver or whatever the other thing you can use for it is called. it doesnt apply in your case at all really but i figured i'd make sure i mentioned it so no one can say i forgot it. lol


Well-Known Member
plant hermie through light stress or genetics. you cannot make your plant hermie any other way that i know of. so dont worry. just be careful.

correction-their is a 3rd way, but its done intentionaly to make fem seeds. you apply colodial silver or whatever the other thing you can use for it is called. it doesnt apply in your case at all really but i figured i'd make sure i mentioned it so no one can say i forgot it. lol
thanks man, id rep ya but need to spread it around. So I should say thanks again probably.


As long as you are putting it into more of the same soil and you don't beat the plant up too bad there should be almost no ill effects.