Transplanting (I screwed up)

Chicago Gooner

Active Member
Is it ok to transplant to a 3 gallon pot from a cup 7 days after seedling broke the ground? I screwed up and didn't put enough soil in the cup.


Well-Known Member
Maybe I'm missing something, but why can't you just add more dirt to the cup. Either way, I wouldn't worry with transplanting for another week or two.


Well-Known Member
i put my plants into 1 gallon smartpots from the cups around 10-14 days in. i wouldnt go right to 3 gallons from the cups. you can leave it in if you want, but imo you'd be best off taking and transplanting. Root systems grow really fast, its probably got most of the cup filled by now. Anyway though, i really think you should go to 1 gallons and then move to 3 gallons later on. that what i advise.


Active Member
my roots seem to do better and grow more vigorously if i gradute the pot size over time, rather then jumping to real small, to pretty large, like dd420 said