Transplanting Problems/Question


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone,

I transplanted a plant thats a couple of months old from soil to DWC using hydroton. While it was in soil it was rootbound and had plenty of roots in a small frozen chicken liver container size. I transplanted it a week and a half ago and in my resevore i was using Atami root. Is this the ONLY thing i should be using untill there is a healthy rootball hanging down??? I got a little impatient and put Atami root and Vegatative nutes and now i have the begining of nute burn.
Please if anyone can give me advice you would be helping me out a great deal.


Well-Known Member
I know its hydro but it looks "overwatered", did you recently refill the bucket or add water? Aside from the minor nute burn all I can think is you put too much water back in and are covering the oxygen roots now?


Well-Known Member
Hello and thank you for replying.
Im using a DWC and may have overfilled it. From the bottom of the net pot how far away should the water be (from the net pot)? The roots around the sides of the net pot look great but those few that hang down in the water have nasty brownish slime on them and dont look good (root rot?)What should i do to fix my girls??


Well-Known Member
I have very limited dwc experience but when i had that same problem i choped off most of the rotten roots and new healthy roots replaced them eventually.


Active Member
I have only experimented with dwc but is your system home made or purchased? The problem could be lack of O2 or lack of beneficial enzymes. did you add any H30 in the mix (hydrogen peroxide?). Is your res light tight?


Well-Known Member
My res is light tight, and i just put some hydrogen peroxide in there today and another 4" airstone in each 5gal so theres 2 airstones in each one for more oxygen. I hope this helps. SHIT... i checked my res temp and its through the ruff. whats a good way to keep it down???


Well-Known Member
I used some insulating tape similar to metal tape but its around 14"wide and has around a 1/4" of insulating foam on one side and a reflective surface(like metal tape) on the other side and the foam side is sticky. I used this as a wrap/cover for my 5 gal buckets. I know this wont solve my res temp problem but im hoping itll cool it down quit a bit.