Transplanting Qestions?


i just transpranted into 60/20/20 of/hf/per. on clf and my lower fan leave are starting to brown. they are dark brown fright at the tips of the leave just wondering if this is frow the stress or a nuit problom. eny advise would help. thanks sorry no pics right know but i did remove the bad ones. just started week 4
I think he is saying 60% OF (Ocean Forest) 20% HF (??) & 20% PER (perlite).

Its hard to say what the issue is what is HF, your temps, humidity?

Peace out


ya sorry for the confution hf stands for happy frog my temps stay between 77 and 84, humidity eny were from 30 to 45 it just depends on how much i water. but i think i narrowed it down to nute burn let me know what you think?IMG00248-20110802-1650.jpg


ph is reading 7.9?? what i am wondering is if it is the soil or if i waited to long to transplant its only efecting my my two bigest plants the smaller ones are doing great?


Active Member
purpling means something, potassium I think. That's what it means, potassium bongsmilie

can be locked out by too much calcium, which causes alkaline readings in tapwater. Lowering your ph won't solve the problem, but you could dilute your tapwater with distilled or r/o water (which is cheaper @$.37 per gal)

So what makes a water alkaline? It’s the alkaline minerals in it, and the most important of these are the macro minerals calcium and magnesium. Acidic minerals lower the pH of water, so the ideal water is one that is high in calcium and magnesium and low in acidic elements such as chlorine, sulfates and nitrates. (Sodium is also an alkaline mineral but one that you want to be kept low in your water.)

edit: this link isn't talking about growing pot, just what makes water alkaline :)


i read it wrong its about 7 even. i checked my water and its at 7 to threw in a little limon juice to bring it down just a lil.


Well-Known Member
U coulda done it without the lemon juice. Just keep monitoring your ph. If it stays around 7 you'll be in good shape. Wouldn't even feed it right now. It's kinda burnt and needs a me