Transplanting root bound plants in ground


Hello, would like some input about transplanting these plants. They are in 3in pots now and we are going to be doing long rows. They are mostly 2-3ft. These are CBD plants 70 day flowering time. This is our first year and will be finally getting permit to plant in the ground a week from now due to Covid. We will be doing drip irrigation and wetting the hole before putting in. Should we score the sides of roots? Will the heat mess with them after transplant? We are doing 4ooo of these so any way to make applying Myco that would be easier? Any input or thoughts are much appreciated



sorry I am new and thought putting post in other area's may generate more reply's. Just trying to get as much info on this is poss. I never have had to deal with planting in the ground this late and is my first multi acre grow so am a bit nervous lol.

teddy bonkers

Well-Known Member
sorry I am new and thought putting post in other area's may generate more reply's. Just trying to get as much info on this is poss. I never have had to deal with planting in the ground this late and is my first multi acre grow so am a bit nervous lol.
that guy gave you great info, use it. :D