

hey im looking for help with transplanting with the lowest among of stress. im remember hearing something like the day before keep the light on for a full 24 hours and to water the soil before transplant. i just want to know if this is correct or if there is another way plz help


Well-Known Member
and also can i top the plants a few days before transplanting
you can do it all they aren't that delicate. I like to untangle the roots when I transplant and water AFTER I transplant to fill in the air pockets down inside the soil, recomend you do the same.


Well-Known Member
dont touch your roots when you transplant. that is about the most stressfull way to transplant. and i would say its a lot easier to do after the soil has dried a bit. i wouldnt water untill your soil dries out because your gonna have to water after you transplant, and it will just be easier in general if the soil is dry. dont listen to this guy tho, roots are very delicate. they dont like light either but touching them is definatly not good. you want to avoid stressing your plant as much as posible. to do that avoid touching the roots as best you can and limit they're exposure to light.


Well-Known Member
oh and wait untill about a week after transplant to top because topping will also stress your plant. you dont want all that stress at one time, slows growth and could even cause hermies


im also use FFOF and i read some where that i should keep the soil out for about 4 days before transplant


Well-Known Member
don't listen to this guy, he's either high and paranoid or inexperienced.
But seriously do what you want.
so your telling me when you transplant that you pull your roots apart to seperate them? how does this benefit your plant? its doing nothing but harm. ideally you shouldnt even touch the roots during transplant. transplanting by itself causes stress just because the roots are moved around a little, but if you are deliberately fucking with the roots this will cause much more stress than necessary and growth will stop for probably about a week instead of just a day or 2 with a proper delicate transplant.


Well-Known Member
what do you mean keep the soil out for 4 days? like keep the bag open or something? ive never heard of that, i dont think it would make any difference though. oh and frmrboi. im a pretty experienced grower. ive been doing it for many years and i do know what im talking about. but you dont have to take my word for it, do some research. i spend a lot of my free time reading and learning as much as i can about growing weed, so each of my harvests will be better than the last. ive been doing it a long time but still dont know as much as i would like to, but im pretty sure i do know what im talking about

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
so your telling me when you transplant that you pull your roots apart to seperate them? how does this benefit your plant? its doing nothing but harm. ideally you shouldnt even touch the roots during transplant. transplanting by itself causes stress just because the roots are moved around a little, but if you are deliberately fucking with the roots this will cause much more stress than necessary and growth will stop for probably about a week instead of just a day or 2 with a proper delicate transplant.
I break up root balls all the time when I transplant. No harm to the girls at all. You have to be careful of course but you can touch the roots without problems.

im also use FFOF and i read some where that i should keep the soil out for about 4 days before transplant
I don't know where you're getting this information from but it's not a good source. I use FFOF too. I just dump it straight from the bag to the pots no setting out or anything.


yea keep the bag open but if u didnt know about this that mean i dont need to do it.also one more thing after i tranplant im going to wait awhile to top but when i do can i throw them in to flowering right after or should i also wait awhile for that before throwing them into flowering


Well-Known Member
I think the only time you should break up the root ball is if it is root bound otherwise just put it in the new pot with fresh dirt and water. I usually wait till the soil of the plant I am transplanting is somewhat dry not completely as it makes it easier to take out of the pot. I agree with sk8disgruntled that you shouldn't touch the roots and I wouldn't top until the plant is established in its new home. As sk8disgruntled you don't want to cause stress for no reason but this is just my opinion.


Well-Known Member
or should i also wait awhile for that before throwing them into flowering
you want to veg them longer so that new shoots form (I go an extra 10 days) The plants will probably start blooming down below anyways though.


Well-Known Member
yea keep the bag open but if u didnt know about this that mean i dont need to do it.also one more thing after i tranplant im going to wait awhile to top but when i do can i throw them in to flowering right after or should i also wait awhile for that before throwing them into flowering
I would wait as changing them to 12/12 light for flowering is stressful for them and you also want to give the plant time to heal after you top them the whole point of topping is to get more than one main cola. If it is trying to heal and flower this can be a lot of stress which could slow down the flowering process.


Well-Known Member
personally i would wait another week or even 2 to start flowering after topping, but i dont think it would cause much harm to top at the same time you change the lights. it might delay the time it takes to show sex but only by a few days probably. id say go for it if your in a rush to start flowering, but if you can wait you'll get better results.


alright thanks for everything you all been very helpful im one more step closer to a successful harvest becuase all of you at RIU im very grateful +rep to all