transportation on plane


Well-Known Member
would like to bring half an ounce of hash with me Amy advice on package or placement?

It is a series of gifts you know who you are. Tripple vaccum bags switching gloves each bagging be enough to scam any dogs? I will be carrying far more illegal things but they are not dog detectable I don't want something as silly as smoke to blow my whole act here
Carry on better or worse than check in? Or should I not chance it at all


Well-Known Member
if dogs are your concern arn't there things like coffee and pepper to get them off the scent? i dono how you would get past a scanning machine tho, gotta make it look discrete too. best of luck in your ventures, im sure you will figure it out you seem to have a good head on your shoulders!


Well-Known Member
what can you possibly be carrying that a dog cant sell? and if you really are then, why? just why would you risk it for some weed?


Well-Known Member
I'd mail it ahead of me if possible. Why does pot have to be so bulky and smelly compared to other drugs?


Well-Known Member
Hey, my first time posting from a stupid "smart" phone - ok? I don't think half an oz is much bulk and I am sure the dogs can smell through the masking stuff, it's only humans that are inhibited from such things. Mailing ahead just doesn't work, I will be too many places. I don't know, I don't think they have dogs in interstate flights much do they? I havn't flown much in a while.


Well-Known Member
I'd mail it ahead of me if possible. Why does pot have to be so bulky and smelly compared to other drugs?
Can you just mail it ahead canndo? I would never risk taking things like hash on a plane. But no I don't think they usually have dogs. Scanners are enough to freak me out though. Good to see ya back man... I was wondering where you've been

I missed the part where you said you can't mail it ahead. IDK... I just wouldn't risk it.


Well-Known Member
Hash? So not worth it... jmo.
Well I'm not bringing bud (even if I had any) fergodsake, it smells up the car half the time. I recall years ago I wanted to bring an oz of blow to Washington, my girlfriend at the time figured that if she wrapped it up like a present, no one would ever ask that it be unwrapped. Those were the days when if you just refused they would turn you away. I went into the bathroom, unwrapped the "present", and put the bag in my pants - not a lick f problem then. Corse the grinder had to go. Some of you may know of Dalton Lee and I may have told stories about my association with him. He used to pack things in from Bolivia, he would get on the plane that he knew had other stops in the states, hide his stuff in the plane and have an associate take a flight on the same plane somewhere within the states. Lee sailed through customs and his friend simply took the next flight back home from whatever hub the plane landed. It worked for a long long time, course things are different now.


I take a stash of bud with me all the time when I go to Maui I just triple bag it, pull the top off of baby powder, stick it in and snap the top back on. I've never had any trouble. Once I land I just hit up a local smoke shop and buy a 3$ pipe. Good luck bro....


Well-Known Member
You better be careful,customs stick rods into bottles like shampoo and babypowder to see if there are solids inside...just a caution id advise...


Well-Known Member
Btw carsick...why risk it..there's great bud in hawaii I've heard..never been ther but all the time I hear rumors...


Bro I go to Maui atleast twice a year and have never had an issue taking my own smoke, and everybody on the island claims to have Maui wowi but it looks more like low grade bud, plus you don't wanna get jacked by the local boys over there...


Well-Known Member
How come you don't just mail it there instead of taking it on a plane which is a huge risk? I don't care if you get away with it 100 times, it's still a big risk. One day they will use x-rays on you and say, "wtf is that in you baby powder"... and what are you going to do then? I mean I'm glad you've had no problems.... But still I just don't think it's worth it. There's not many years left before it will be impossible to do something like that.


Well-Known Member
I'm glad you've been safe also dude,I'm just offering advice..maui wowie or pakalolo or volacno rather I find it there than them find it there...twice a year I feel id have the chronic sewn up...


Well-Known Member
I always get stick of deodorant and cut the bottom 2/3 off and then stuff my shit in the bottom and put the top back on like its brand new. Most dogs are looking for bombs not