transportation on plane


Active Member
Last time I transported, I put it into a jar of peanut butter. Maybe try that, then put the jar of pb into a gallon freezer bag full of coffee. But there is no way I'd ever smuggle through an airport, I just don't have the nerves for that. If they ever try to take me to prison for repeated rapings, I will kill myself first.


Well-Known Member
would like to bring half an ounce of hash with me Amy advice on package or placement?

It is a series of gifts you know who you are. Tripple vaccum bags switching gloves each bagging be enough to scam any dogs? I will be carrying far more illegal things but they are not dog detectable I don't want something as silly as smoke to blow my whole act here
Carry on better or worse than check in? Or should I not chance it at all
I put weed in my underwear right under my balls. i dont even vacuum seal it ...maybe i should be more careful? a half o oz hash should fit around that area. maybe even tape it to your thigh to keep it still


New Member
I say dont do it for a couple reasons. The main reason is you're already nervous about it and airports do more than check your luggage. They check people out as in they will look to see if your sweating, moving your hands, ect ect and that right there will make them search everywhere no matter how good you hide it. The other reason being just not worth it unless your making 5-6 digit mula. But if you insist on trying it then id probably take a couple Xanax(recommended dose not recreational dose lol) before i went to calm my nervous a bit, Then for the hiding, There is thousands of different ideas. I would probably just get a old dead laptop..Gut it,Put hash in a vacuum sealed bag, Place bag in gutted laptop, maybe put some dryer sheets in it with it, and If you got the extra cash even buy one those fancy leather laptop purse/suitcase what ever you wanna call it just to make it look more legit.

Good luck


would like to bring half an ounce of hash with me Amy advice on package or placement?

It is a series of gifts you know who you are. Tripple vaccum bags switching gloves each bagging be enough to scam any dogs? I will be carrying far more illegal things but they are not dog detectable I don't want something as silly as smoke to blow my whole act here
Carry on better or worse than check in? Or should I not chance it at all
What you could do is have someone distract the dogs, bring Bitch urine and put it on your shoes or something (NOT THE PERSON CARRYING THE DRUGS)
Then go through right behind him and pretend you don't know him, they usually only have 1 dog.


Well-Known Member
I like the idea of using a decoy for larger movements it it seems like massive overkill for a half oz of hash.


Well-Known Member
Just come over to my place..I got 2 30gal trashbags of can make all the hash you want and keep it. :-)