trayvan martin

Because white people don't run into the ghetto's and start stealing 1986 Buick Regals!

Seriously though, like anything else, they are afraid because of ignorance. Ignorance breeds fear. Fear leaves humans emotionally vulnerable. Enter American Propaganda.
Fucking ridiculous. They are showing Zimmerman being taken to the Seminole County Intake Center. So much for keeping his whereabouts secret for his safety. Fucking media.

That is phenomenally uncool. I despise accessories to a possible lynching. I don't like Zimmerman one bit, but he does deserve the protections as well as the harsh scrutiny of the system. cn

That is phenomenally uncool. I despise accessories to a possible lynching. I don't like Zimmerman one bit, but he does deserve the protections as well as the harsh scrutiny of the system. cn


karma would dictate that we not make him vulnerable to fellow judge-jury-and-executioner-all-in-one people until we are absolutely certain of his guilt.
Am i just a fast walker?

i'll have to measure my pace tonight to check, but as a golfer who paces often paces off yardages, i think i know well what 100 yards of walking is like, i feel like my brisk pace would take at least a minute and 20 seconds.

i'm serious, i'm going to go pace off 100 yards and time myself walking back.

The stand your ground law does not apply here with this situation.

That law should not be changed.

Agreed,the stand your ground laws need to be nation wide.

If i need to protect myself or my family while in our home or on our property i sure as hell dont feel i should be put on trial because " I " did not do enough to run away from somebody out to hurt us.

In my home or on my property i refuse to go backwards even a single inch,no man should have too.
Agreed,the stand your ground laws need to be nation wide.

If i need to protect myself or my family while in our home or on our property i sure as hell dont feel i should be put on trial because " I " did not do enough to run away from somebody out to hurt us.

In my home or on my property i refuse to go backwards even a single inch,no man should have too.

in your home is one thing, that goes back to the castle doctrine.

out in a public area where people walk their dogs? not so much.
in your home is one thing, that goes back to the castle doctrine.

out in a public area where people walk their dogs? not so much.

If people are walking their dogs on my property then they shouldnt be & are violating my rights against tresspass.

You must have missed where i said my property.

Public thouroughfare is a different story.
If people are walking their dogs on my property then they shouldnt be & are violating my rights against tresspass.

You must have missed where i said my property.

Public thouroughfare is a different story.

understood, but the stand your ground laws do apply in that place where people walk their dogs.
also, there was no public outcry for stand your ground laws. it is another example of lobbying by special interests. there was no epidemic of cases that stand your ground laws would have remedied.

in fact, many people have taken stand your ground laws as a license to kill, even when they are clearly not fearing for their life. for example, this guy is in his home and sees his neighbor's house getting robbed.

911 tells him several times to just stay inside his house, that there ain't no property worth killing someone over. this guy gets his shotgun, waits until the robbers leave his neighbor's house, and then runs outside and guns them down. his words are "hello! you're dead!"


he walked. he was never in fear for his life, he was using the law as a license to kill.

i have no problem with stand your ground laws with respect to the castle doctrine part. but if it ain't your castle, you do not get to serve as judge, jury, and executioner.

in my state, i do not have stand your ground laws. if someone comes and robs my greenhouse this fall, i have to let them unless they threaten my life, and i am OK with that. like the 911 dispatcher said, there ain't no property worth killing someone over.