trayvan martin

I feel your pain bro. There aren't many trolls that bother me. This guy is beyond troll though. He's been stalking me for 3 years now. I've been threatened at least half a dozen times by him. He started sending me these threatening pm's the other day and I pm the guy back, basically telling him to "get fucked!". We have a little back and forth and then he starts trying to post MY pm's in toke n' talk acting like I'm the one harassing him! lmfao!!!!!!! Not sure why he's not been banned yet, but he supposedly owns his own cannabis site. We could all go and register and just troll the fuck out of his site. See how he likes it! lol!:fire:

Had no ideal he had a web page .
I feel your pain bro. There aren't many trolls that bother me. This guy is beyond troll though. He's been stalking me for 3 years now. I've been threatened at least half a dozen times by him. He started sending me these threatening pm's the other day and I pm the guy back, basically telling him to "get fucked!". We have a little back and forth and then he starts trying to post MY pm's in toke n' talk acting like I'm the one harassing him! lmfao!!!!!!! Not sure why he's not been banned yet, but he supposedly owns his own cannabis site. We could all go and register and just troll the fuck out of his site. See how he likes it! lol!:fire:

You know I'm with ya Doc. I'll troll that fucker to death just ask Buck
Buck, you're being very narrow-minded. If everyone wasnt so damn afraid of everyone else (AKA Hypersensitive "Stranger Danger" Disorder) they could've had a conversation like this;
Z "Hey there"
M "Hey"
Z "I'm local neighbourhood watch and I don't recognise you, can I give you directions or are you looking for an address or anything?"
M "Nah it's fine, I'm heading to my Dads up the road"

Thats how it happens in the real world...

what world do you live in . . . . if you stalk me like prey your defiantly not gonna get a hey . . .you gonna get a get the fuck away from me . . . . .you fucking wierdo . ..

people are not as subservient as you think . . .and they do not have to be . .. . . just like Z has no right to harass martin for doing anything . . neighborhood watch, watch's and he wasnt even on shift

trust me . . .i guarantee 7/10 americans react the same way to being harased and followed like prey . . .. . . .out of Z's own mouth he was concerned as soon as he thought martin noticed him . . .. . .. . but if Z goes after martin thats ok. . . . .victimized people , victimizing others . .. . . .huh Z knew what he was doing . .. . what he intended to do is another story and can only work agianst him as he rage and violence happens when ever he gets mad . ..

if he hates these guys, the supposed thieves, then getting mad when martin makes a smart ass coment or statement could easily triggered Z's rage . .. . . rememebr control freak . . went to lengths to control the situation . . .. and fristrated that more wasnt being done . . ."these guys always get away" "he ran"

his anger problems are at the heart of the event betweeen the two

and Z knew that he had issues wit violence and rage. .. . . . . . . . .bottom line
what world do you live in . . . . if you stalk me like prey your defiantly not gonna get a hey . . .you gonna get a get the fuck away from me . . . . .you fucking wierdo . ..

people are not as subservient as you think . . .and they do not have to be . .. . . just like Z has no right to harass martin for doing anything . . neighborhood watch, watch's and he wasnt even on shift

trust me . . .i guarantee 7/10 americans react the same way to being harased and followed like prey . . .. . . .out of Z's own mouth he was concerned as soon as he thought martin noticed him . . .. . .. . but if Z goes after martin thats ok. . . . .victimized people , victimizing others . .. . . .huh Z knew what he was doing . .. . what he intended to do is another story and can only work agianst him as he rage and violence happens when ever he gets mad . ..

if he hates these guys, the supposed thieves, then getting mad when martin makes a smart ass coment or statement could easily triggered Z's rage . .. . . rememebr control freak . . went to lengths to control the situation . . .. and fristrated that more wasnt being done . . ."these guys always get away" "he ran"

his anger problems are at the heart of the event betweeen the two

and Z knew that he had issues wit violence and rage. .. . . . . . . . .bottom line
This is as speculative as Martin being called a thug. You can't pick one side over the other.
Buck, you're being very narrow-minded. If everyone wasnt so damn afraid of everyone else (AKA Hypersensitive "Stranger Danger" Disorder) they could've had a conversation like this;
Z "Hey there"
M "Hey"
Z "I'm local neighbourhood watch and I don't recognise you, can I give you directions or are you looking for an address or anything?"
M "Nah it's fine, I'm heading to my Dads up the road"

Thats how it happens in the real world...

In my real world, it would have happened like this...

"I'm neighborhood watch, and I..."
"Fuck off, bitch!"
"Fuck the fuck off, bitch ass mother fucker!"
"Fuck you, bitch!"
"Hang tight."
Returns with 5 people holding AR's.
"What the fuck did you just say!?"
"Nothing. Have a nice evening."
TM's "Mistake", if you want to call it that, was trying to confront a stranger without verifying if he was armed. He should have retreated to a safe area, I.E more people, doors to close, Etc. I would NEVER confront a stranger on the streets without intelligence first. So you retreat for safety, grab numbers, and then YOU'RE the neighborhood watch!
In my real world, it would have happened like this...

"I'm neighborhood watch, and I..."
"Fuck off, bitch!"
"Fuck the fuck off, bitch ass mother fucker!"
"Fuck you, bitch!"
"Hang tight."
Returns with 5 people holding AR's.
"What the fuck did you just say!?"
"Nothing. Have a nice evening."

You asian?
In my real world, it would have happened like this...

"I'm neighborhood watch, and I..."
"Fuck off, bitch!"
"Fuck the fuck off, bitch ass mother fucker!"
"Fuck you, bitch!"
"Hang tight."
Returns with 5 people holding AR's.
"What the fuck did you just say!?"
"Nothing. Have a nice evening."

If we're never going to meet, why are you posting a picture of yourself? This is not wise. I would delete that if I were you. Now every one knows what you look like!
lol! I was actually wondering if your "real world" fantasy confrontation would look something like the pic I posted? Oh, that's right! These guys have glocks and your "people" would have AR's! It could be your neighbor "open carrying" HIS glock. :roll:
lol! I was actually wondering if your "real world" fantasy confrontation would look something like the pic I posted? Oh, that's right! These guys have glocks and your "people" would have AR's! It could be your neighbor "open carrying" HIS glock. :roll:

And i will raise you one AR for this......FN FAL.jpg

Way better round than the AR also...:mrgreen:
This is as speculative as Martin being called a thug. You can't pick one side over the other.

i can have a opinion though and yes it is all speculative. . . . . we didnt see are hear anyhting everything we say is speculative . .. care to join the debate . .

its very annoying and i feel disrespected to put thoughts and opinions together only to have every summed up in one word that for the most part invalidates everythign i say . . .. . . its all speculative. . . . why dont you respect the discsussion and at least respond in kind . . .. . . . .

you seem to only apply yourself to a resposne though when it is a UB troller or somthing that sopports the ambigousness of the facts . . . .and almost always in support of zmmerman becuase you think his story is unlikely to be contradicted . . . . . .. how about join the real world where what we think and what happens are different all the time . . .
This whole situation is just here to stir up hatred. It is working too

also after goggling the case... I had this thought, how did someone dresses like a clown get to the senate. What was she going for diva cowgirl? I thought it was just like a 1 time thing, but i guess this is her every day thing.


This whole situation is just here to stir up hatred. It is working too, the longer to talk about this the more insight race hatred.

no one is talking bout race . . ..stop baiting the PC clowns and the bigots to get all worked up . . .. . . .

and i completely disagree . . .the more we talk about it. . . .the more people realize what unchecked bigotry and hate can make people do . . .. . . . .

but your right lol lets all not pay attention because the people involved in the incident are of different ancestory . . . . .

the more people play into this race thing or even bring it up the more people loose sight of what has happened . . . . . ..stop bringing it up

the color of your skin doesnt matter . . .. . . . not one bit, people hate . . .. . . racism only makes it easier and more ignorant . . .
no one is talking bout race . . ..stop baiting the PC clowns and the bigots to get all worked up . . .. . . .

and i completely disagree . . .the more we talk about it. . . .the moer people realize what unchecked bigotry and hate can make people do . . .. . . . .

but your right lol lets all not pay attention becuse the people invilved in the insident are of different ancestory . . . . .

the more people play into this race thing or even bring it up the more people loose sight of what has happened . . . . . ..stop bringing it up

the color of your skin doesnt matter . . .. . . . not one bit

That is why I edited it right after I posted it because I didn't mean to say it like that. Around where I live it is stirring up stupid feelings so that is why i don't like hearing about it. And I know how the people here will be like your hating on that senator, shes black, you said race.....

But i mean who dresses like that.