Treating hermies?...


Well-Known Member
Ok so i posted on here the other day regarding possible hermies in my growroom as i used feminised seeds.

Im still not sure if they are actaully hermies though as the pictures didnt come out all that great.

So basically im still not sure what to do with them, they do have tiny balls at the internodes but someone said they might be seed sacs or part of the preflower and someone mentioned treating them with liquid cement to seal in the pollen and that way the hermie plant can continue to produce flowers but not pollenate the others? Im still lost as to what to do... I suspect that 2 out of my 3 greenhouse big bangs might be hermies although it is still very early stages.

What do you guys think i should do - is there any way of treating hermies or do they have to be chopped completely no questions?


Well-Known Member
before you completely kill the whole plant try and cut the sac off and watch too see if it grows back


Well-Known Member
Does doing that not risk the chance of releasing pollen and possibly pollenating my other two girls that are doing quite well just now?

Whats peoples experience with hermies, is there anything that can be done?


Well-Known Member
Does doing that not risk the chance of releasing pollen and possibly pollenating my other two girls that are doing quite well just now?

Whats peoples experience with hermies, is there anything that can be done?


New Member
Most will say chop because they do not want to risk getting seeds. I have the same thing. Flowers everywhere then boom! I got hermie nut/sacs/pods or whatever you call them. It is only one plant. Check it everyday and pull them off. But most likely you will not find them all. I was told they would grow back but they have not so far. I watched one open and now it looks like a flower with hairs and everything. Then I found two more I missed that opened. No pollen that I can see except this morning there was a few very small yellow flakes on a couple of leaves. Cant find ANY near the open sacs though.

Do you have single pod / sac or clusters? All but one of mine were single pods / sac.

If you dont want to risk seeds then chop. If you want the bud then just look and pull them off before they open. I know someone that got some killer bud from a hermie. Good Luck! I feel your pain...


Well-Known Member
Its basically 2 or 3 tiny tiny pods at the internodes - i havent taken them out quite yet.

I was quite tempted to try the liquid cement idea but wouldnt know at what point to treat them or how much to put on or indeed if id have to pull the pods off 1st.

Anyone got any experience of dealing with this type of problem?


Well-Known Member
Anyone... is there any way of treating hermies effectively

Should i try pulling the pods off - has anyone managed this and still got buds without having to chop them

Also what happens if the females get pollinated, it doesnt render the bud unusable does it? Just makes seeds in them? - plz help.


Well-Known Member
Anyone... is there any way of treating hermies effectively

Should i try pulling the pods off - has anyone managed this and still got buds without having to chop them

Also what happens if the females get pollinated, it doesnt render the bud unusable does it? Just makes seeds in them? - plz help.

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
you can pick them off. you will probably get some seeds anyways pollen is sneaky but it does not effect potency of the buds but you do lose some yield. the plant uses energy making seeds.


Well-Known Member
you can pick them off. you will probably get some seeds anyways pollen is sneaky but it does not effect potency of the buds but you do lose some yield. the plant uses energy making seeds.
They are in their second week of flowering and i cant see any buds yet just those small sacs - is that what happens with feminised seess then - you get hermies rather than just male plants?

Id like the bud off the hermies too if it is at all possible as its a cfl grow and ive been told you doint get much more than half an oz per plant so it would make a difference. What do you guys reckon i should do - remove the sacs outwith the growroom or would it be worth trying the liquid cement?


Well-Known Member
i got a hermie yesterday man on my best plant....i cut one sac then seen 2 more so i just put it outside to see what happens...i placed my males outside last week and holy hell they are full blown males now hella pollen sacs so im hoping that the hermie will react like they did and really start to grow

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
if there fems you should not get pure males just hermys. the hermy plants will still produce bud it is going to be hard to find all the pollen sacks so you will most likely have some seeds in your crop at the very least the herm plants will have seeds but probably all of them.

ink slingin' in the 805

Well-Known Member
i got 2 o's of super dank bud off a hermie. i just kept up with picking off the bananas. you will get some seeds even paying full attention to it all the time. some sacks will be unnoticable to the eye. however, the seeds i did get are fat juicy ones that i will plant outdoors seeing as how there is the possibility of hermie genetics in each seed