Trich Color

Mel O'Cheddar

Active Member
Evenin' all...

So, we have a plant that we are sacrificing entirely to edibles. My question is this: If we wait until the trichs go cloudy or amber, will it make as much of a difference in the high as it would if we were smoking the weed?

I'd say the trichs are just getting cloudy now, this is coming from second-generation Bagseed and it's taking FOREVER (or so it would seem) to finish. Should I ride it out and let them go amber, or will cloudy do it?

Cheers all.


Well-Known Member
In the most recent issue of high times it has a article that states that "peak THC is achieved as soon as some of the trichs have turned cloudy". Amber is oxygenated THC, and is losing potency..JR

Mel O'Cheddar

Active Member
Ooh! Thanks! I didn't even think of that... And we have this month's High Times sitting on the table downstairs. Silly stoners. :) Thanx