Trich Pics from a newbie


The crop is a mix of LA Confidential and some mystery bag weed, all were from seed, started indoor and grow outdoor in soil containers. All organic nutes mostly compost tea.

I had to harvest these a bit earlier than I would have liked but it had to be.
Although only a few trichs were amber most were at least cloudy. I have three more that I am giving a bit more time but I'm concerned about mold or mites etc.

I would appreciate any comments.

There is one pic of last years' crop of Cheese from Big Buddha. Two plants, outdoor in soil container, yielded almost 1 lb. :lol:
Very Tasty and a mostly hardy plant to grow.

With Thanks to subcool for tips.


Po boy

Well-Known Member
nice pics! good looking buds - too bad u had to harvest early but sometimes u gotta do what u gotta do

Vapor Nation

Well-Known Member
Great photos murr! Those are some beautiful trichomes you've got and your camera took some nice shots. Also digging on that ziploc full of bud, but why not put all of it in jars?


Well-Known Member
If only a few trichs were amber you aren't too early, the THC had already started to degrade


Well-Known Member
The crop is a mix of LA Confidential and some mystery bag weed, all were from seed, started indoor and grow outdoor in soil containers. All organic nutes mostly compost tea.

I had to harvest these a bit earlier than I would have liked but it had to be.
Although only a few trichs were amber most were at least cloudy. I have three more that I am giving a bit more time but I'm concerned about mold or mites etc.

I would appreciate any comments.

There is one pic of last years' crop of Cheese from Big Buddha. Two plants, outdoor in soil container, yielded almost 1 lb. :lol:
Very Tasty and a mostly hardy plant to grow.

With Thanks to subcool for tips.
When you say almost a pound is that your dried and cured weight? I am curious because I chopped 3 Arjan's Hazes and it has taken my 3 entire evenings plus some to trim up all the bud. By weight I was somewhere south of 3lbs wet and the common theme seems to be that you only yield 25% of your wet weight.

We that would put me somewhere near 1 lb myself but if that picture of it bagged and jarred is almost 1 lb then I'm probably going to have alot, ahh forgive me, I'm so tired from trimming, so much trimming, no more.. no moree...


Thanks to everyone who responded, I will try to address some of the questions.

I used a bag for the finished bud simply because I didn't have any jars handy ( I did mention I'm a newbie indoor grower, right ? ). That was remedied the next day and now it all goes into jars.

The pics were taken with a really simple 'plug 'n play" USB magnifier/camera from a camera store, the cost was only $79 bucks ! Works great too because I'm no photographer. I use it a lot now because I can record video or snap a pic and look at it on my laptop. I have found it much easier then a anything else for inspection of the crop. I can recommend it because of all the gadgets I've bought for the garden ( many turned out to be useless or unnecessary ) this one has really been very helpful.

The dry weight of the crop was about 14 oz. The plants had grown quite large and bushy almost too big really but that was my first indoor grow and it was all pure luck really. This years crop will have a lower yield. In addition to the cured bud I used the trim and little bit of the smaller light-weight buds to make hash using the ice-water method which yielded a couple of grams of lovely hash.
It didn't bubble but was some of the nicest hash I've smoked in years. It was very similar in taste and appearance to the very excellent " Red Lebanese " hash of the '70s.

I've been just growing and trying to learn the process before I tackle increasing my yields. I'm wanting to go with a hydro set up when I can decide on which system will work best for me. This forum and it's members have been really helpful. I am now growing about 70 or 80 percent of my own medicine. The rest comes from the local cannabis compassion society.

Thanks again to everyone who commented.


Nice shots dude, what are you using for them?
Thanks friend, I am using a really simple to use, plug n play USB Digital Magnifier with 200x magnification. The one I have is made by " Optex " but I've seen other similiar brands. It works great and it cost only $79 bucks. I like it because it will record video or snap pics and store them on my hard drive. Then I can zoom in or use the handy ruler feature for measuring or whatever.

Of all the gadgets I've bought for the garden this one really delivers !


Amazing pics man, how do you do that? Looks like some tasty budds mmmm :)
Thanks friend, I am using a really simple to use, plug n play USB Digital Magnifier with 200x magnification. The one I have is made by " Optex " but I've seen other similiar brands. It works great and it cost only $79 bucks. I like it because it will record video or snap pics and store them on my hard drive. Then I can zoom in or use the handy ruler feature for measuring or whatever.

Of all the gadgets I've bought for the garden this one really delivers !


Well-Known Member
Thanks friend, I am using a really simple to use, plug n play USB Digital Magnifier with 200x magnification. The one I have is made by " Optex " but I've seen other similiar brands. It works great and it cost only $79 bucks. I like it because it will record video or snap pics and store them on my hard drive. Then I can zoom in or use the handy ruler feature for measuring or whatever.

Of all the gadgets I've bought for the garden this one really delivers !
Sweet man! So its handheld? You can bring it into the garden and record then go back and plug it into your usb and download everything you just shot? I will get one to be able to get pics like that. Do you get videos that show the trichs that good too? Does it autofocus? Thanks for pointing me in the right direction man I want to see my trichs like that without needing to cut off a piece and use my scope.


Greetings jdro, my camera/magnifier comes with a small stand but can also be handheld or used with a regular tripod for still pics. It doesn't have auto focus but when handheld it is very easy to zoom in and out for focus. It really shines with still pics and the liitle stand it comes with. I know Aqualabs Technology carries similar ones but several digital camera stores carry them closer to home near Van. bc.
