Trichoderma (AKrivator) and Mychorizza Fungi Work Together

I got maybe a dumb question but i'm still gonna ask?

U have trichoderma that colonize the root zone and do all kinda good things and mychorizza fungi is the new thing that also prooves great results. Can these two simply be used together?? Í haven't seen em sold in one application so just wondering if doin both is overdoing it????
I just started reading into beneficial bacterias, and asked a ton of dumb question at the shop the other day. None the the less, this I'll pass on what I was told. In a nutshell you can't have to much. It's best applied when transplanting, and mixed with the media but TOUCHING the root zone. Mainly coating the root ball with the course granuals. You want the bacteria to attach to the root hairs and DO WORK!. Steer away from water soluble ones as they tent to flush through.
I am using a local blend of bacteria that contains like 14 different kinds not just trichoderma and mychorizza. Along with Bioroot. The shop said that was excellent and its hard to over do it plus I haven't seen bad results yet. So I say go balls to the wall with it. :-P I'm on roughly week 2 since adding it but all seems happy happy. :clap: