Trichome explosion


Well-Known Member
noob mj hey bud. anywere from 48 to 72, it depends on all those factors that i mentioned above on the lenght of time, play around and see the different results. i did 72 on my last harvest on half and the other i just chopped. the difference was not only in potency but flavour to me, you may not notice anything?

moonbeam, no light period, some light andf all you do is delay and may hermie if not done right.

so would u say it depends more towards genes meaning indica/sativa or passed genetics like the WW family or kush family or anything like that??? and damn man uve done a lot of research since we last talked seem like u knowe alot more about marijuana cultivation than u did bak than im kinda happy for u if this is tru


Well-Known Member
I think what he means is that depending on what strain of plant it is, it will contain different levels of each of the "magical ingredients" (only ONE of which is THC) known to get you high, and your body and brain will react differently depending on all the levels of "ingredients", not just the level of THC.

So basically, though THC content is a major factor, it's not the only factor.

Different strains have different levels of different ingredients, causing different effects on different people.


Well-Known Member
^^^^ bingo, scranny`s got it.
ya noob i have hooked up with some new people here that are quite good. info overload now. i`m going more into breading and techy stuff now.


Well-Known Member
hey if ur into that now why dont u make me a sativa/pest resistant/deisese resistant strain for a crazy ourdoor grow and mail it to me but damn GL mang and if i ever have any questions most likely imma PM u so HAVE AT LEAST ONE SPOT FOR ME TO PM U ok???


Well-Known Member
With today's technology, there's no way to make a strain that is purely genetically pest-resistant/disease-resistant...but there are things YOU can do to make up for that.;)


Well-Known Member
het noob, theres room. i have to empty it daily now. i am working on some outdoor stuff being i`m from bc and need my outdoor fix for next summer for my climate here.

i am testing the ground there this year with a few outdoor. it`s in my journal, i`m having an invissible bug issue now.
i have also just started an organic dirt farmer group if there`s any interest in sharing or learning some organic soil growing. or whatever.


Well-Known Member
With today's technology, there's no way to make a strain that is purely genetically pest-resistant/disease-resistant...but there are things YOU can do to make up for that.;)
but there are certains strains that are desiese resistant and theres a strain that is pest resistant make a hybrid out of both of them or with other than mix the 2 until it works and u get a pest/desiese resistant strain and than further more mix it with a potent ass WW strain or a purple kush and try to keep the hybrid dominant or even get a potent ass strain and mix it wit some big bud for a High yeal potent strain than mix tha desiese/pest resitant strain with the extremly potent/ big yield strain and make a hybrid out of the 2 and WALAAAAA a kick ass fukkin outdoor strain


Well-Known Member
het noob, theres room. i have to empty it daily now. i am working on some outdoor stuff being i`m from bc and need my outdoor fix for next summer for my climate here.

i am testing the ground there this year with a few outdoor. it`s in my journal, i`m having an invissible bug issue now.
i have also just started an organic dirt farmer group if there`s any interest in sharing or learning some organic soil growing. or whatever.
yeah i been wanting to switch to organic instead of this chemicla shit so that i can feed them nutes all the way until harvest would be the shit and a other question are the lil balls that are nutes organic???? i dunno i can maybe juss go to the astorw and look for myself


Well-Known Member
depends what little balls. some organic nutes come in that form like kelp meal kind off.
but the ones in the premix soil are usualy time release nutes, ( shit).
i love the stuff. i can get my ppm way up there and no burning. i notice that people here are trying to push fox farm as organic. it`s not, it`s organic based and there is a difference.