trichomes a question please if you know !


indeed, subcool seems to be an extremely informative new member, love the depth he goes into on all his posts


Well-Known Member
Man SUBCOOL everythread i see u in, u go all out i love it crystal clear info thank u very much. im savin this to my favorite fo sho:hump:

That was cheating I wrote that Article for Hightimes and since it is copywrited to me I can post it as I need to.

I will continue to post info here I am just trying to improve the quaility of bud the world smokes both genetically and through knowledge.


Check out the extended soil thread


Well-Known Member
So anyone else going to claim I'm wrong???? I find it funny how people immediately jump all over things because they haven't been better informed in the past. I was merely bringing up a point, none of you seemed to agree...but now that you've read subcool's article what have you got to say? Are you still disagree-ing?

Great article may have noticed that link I provided those 'ney-sayers' went directly to Robert Clarkes 'Marijuana Botony' Harvesting chapter...great read through.