Trichomes, cloudy=good, amber=shit

theexpress, I love how your signature says "10th degree blackbelt in soil cultivation" I used to do tae kwon do and it brought me back in a funny way.
I was wrong, see below:

Quoted from High Times March 2011 issue from the article "Trichome Tech - Inside the Resin Factory" (craziest grow setup ever...dude has 2 Twisters!")

For years, K would harvest once the resin heads began turning from opaque to amber, but he's recently rethought his timing thanks to a study by Dr. Paul G. Mahlberg who found that the THC in a resin head is at its peak when it's still clear - not opaque and certainly not amber. Dr. Mahlberg stuck a tiny syringe into the bulbous head of the trichome and extracted its contents, then analyzed it for THC. The result, without a doubt, THC is at its highest before the trichome turns opaque. This makes sense when you think about it: Who harvests fruit when it's turning brown.....K now harvests at the first sign of opaque trichomes, when the majority on the plant are still clear."
I was wrong, see below:

Quoted from High Times March 2011 issue from the article "Trichome Tech - Inside the Resin Factory" (craziest grow setup ever...dude has 2 Twisters!")

For years, K would harvest once the resin heads began turning from opaque to amber, but he's recently rethought his timing thanks to a study by Dr. Paul G. Mahlberg who found that the THC in a resin head is at its peak when it's still clear - not opaque and certainly not amber. Dr. Mahlberg stuck a tiny syringe into the bulbous head of the trichome and extracted its contents, then analyzed it for THC. The result, without a doubt, THC is at its highest before the trichome turns opaque. This makes sense when you think about it: Who harvests fruit when it's turning brown.....K now harvests at the first sign of opaque trichomes, when the majority on the plant are still clear."

That is definitely true in the case of a pure sativa or one that is highly predominantly sativa. Maybe it is true about more or even all strains, but I am not able to say for sure.

Most growers like a singular 'how to,' a singular, 'this is right,' 'this is correct' answer or method for everything grow related. In some cases there are singular answers, but in others there just aren't. Plus for as long as people have grown there has really been only highly limited actual scientific research done about some aspects of growing and much of what has become considered to be knowledge and fact is nothing more than the opinions of basement and closet and spare room and garage and attic and back yard growers and in reality their self formed beliefs, which are nothing more than opinions, are anything but factual or true knowledge.

It is time for growers to accept that the opinions they read or were told and accepted as being facts are anything but factual and that they need to rethink what they do if they want the best they can get.
I just hacked into BT's computer, every once in a while he shows emotion:

Sure I show emotions ... at times .... like the grimace on my face when I lay the thank you for visiting me cash on a table for an 'escort' to pick up and again right after she makes my toes curl and crack ... but then it is a smile, not a grimace.
Originally Posted by socaliboy The longer you leave it the stonier the effect, if you harvest it too early it will be more "uplifting".

lol more like if you harvest too early it will be more "crap"

The problem here is incorrectly created definitions and not singular definitions accepted by all. To many harvesting when THC levels will be at their peak level is defined as harvesting early, even though it is not a case of harvesting early. To many harvesting when there is a considerable amount of amber trichomes is considered harvesting at the proper time, when in fact is it is harvesting late.

Growers have had the incorrect definitions pounded into their heads for so long that they have taken on an air of fact, the appearance of truth ... but they are just incorrect.
Cannabidiol is nonpsychoactive and was initially thought to have no effect on the psycho activity of THC. Recent evidence however show that smokers of cannabis are less likely to experience schizophrenia-like symptoms if there is a higher CBD to THC ratio. Experiments show that participants experienced less intense psychotic effects when intravenous THC was co-administered with CBD. It has been hypothesized that CBD acts as an allosteric antagonist at the CB1 receptor and thus alters the psychoactive effects of THC, resulting in a more easily manageable high.

CBD is generally considered to have more medicinal properties than THC. It appears to relieve convulsion, inflammation (and thereby also migraines), anxiety and nausea. That is why strains with a high concentration of CBD is suitable for medicinal use.

Although CBD has its own particular medicinal value it is not more important than THC when it comes to treating various afflictions. It is the interaction between the two that gives rise to the effect that sometimes alleviates the symptoms of various medical conditions.

CBD has a greater affinity for the CB2 receptor than for the CB1 receptor, meaning that its effect is mostly in the body and not so much in the head. CBD shares a precursor with THC and is the main cannabinoid in low-THC cannabis strains like hemp.

Landrace strains, usually of indica heritage, contain higher concentrations of CBD than recreational drug strains, which are usually bred towards a higher concentration of THC. This is the reason why strains containing high ratios of CBD can be difficult to find.
Not to be rude....but you can't inject THC. THC is an oil that is NOT water soluble. I call bullshit.

Source: Was a addict for 5 years. You named it, I injected it.
The problem here is incorrectly created definitions and not singular definitions accepted by all. To many harvesting when THC levels will be at their peak level is defined as harvesting early, even though it is not a case of harvesting early. To many harvesting when there is a considerable amount of amber trichomes is considered harvesting at the proper time, when in fact is it is harvesting late.

Growers have had the incorrect definitions pounded into their heads for so long that they have taken on an air of fact, the appearance of truth ... but they are just incorrect.

well in that case i like to harvest "late" hahahahahahaha
There is a singular truth we just never discover it all at once there is usually a refining process. For a long time we just didn't know when to harvest. People would judge ripeness by the colour of the pistils (red hairs.) Then we all got X100 magnification and the question became trich colour. Soma was a big advocate of the 1/3 amber so much so that the coffee shops in Amsterdam wouldn't buy product if it was all milky or clear trich'd. Now we are discovering that amber might be too late. Amber is oxidization, it's essentially rust and already losing potency. Another fallacy is the role of CBN. It is not the body buzzing indica profiled cannabinoid. CBN is only mildly psychoactive and the product of degrading THC. CBD is what causes the anxiolytic chilled out body stone it is not at all psychoactive & is always at the expense of THC since they have the same precursor CBG. Hope this helps a little!

Making medicine, Chechero
well in that case i like to harvest "late" hahahahahahaha

If that is what you prefer, than that is what you should do. You just should never tell someone that what you do equates to harvesting at peak levels of potency.

I have no problem with anyone harvesting in a way that will get them what they prefer the most. I only have a problem with if what they do is not harvesting at peak potency but they tell others that it is and that it is what others should do too.
If that is what you prefer, than that is what you should do. You just should never tell someone that what you do equates to harvesting at peak levels of potency.

I have no problem with anyone harvesting in a way that will get them what they prefer the most. I only have a problem with if what they do is not harvesting at peak potency but they tell others that it is and that it is what others should do too.

i dont agree with peak potency being when its fully cloudy......... i find that high goes away fast..
That is definitely true in the case of a pure sativa or one that is highly predominantly sativa. Maybe it is true about more or even all strains, but I am not able to say for sure.

Most growers like a singular 'how to,' a singular, 'this is right,' 'this is correct' answer or method for everything grow related. In some cases there are singular answers, but in others there just aren't. Plus for as long as people have grown there has really been only highly limited actual scientific research done about some aspects of growing and much of what has become considered to be knowledge and fact is nothing more than the opinions of basement and closet and spare room and garage and attic and back yard growers and in reality their self formed beliefs, which are nothing more than opinions, are anything but factual or true knowledge.

It is time for growers to accept that the opinions they read or were told and accepted as being facts are anything but factual and that they need to rethink what they do if they want the best they can get.

However, there is actual, scientific study going on now more than ever...and whereas I would have been apt to question something's validity 10 years ago, I tend to trust more in tests done just yesterday. The advancements in technology from one decade to the next are astounding. People are paying much more attention to pot these days...and as towns, cities, states all begin to decriminalize and/or legalize, they're going to have to have some scientific backing when they start making more and more laws about regulating it.
lol bricktop how many times have you heard someone say "hay this looks like its been grown too long"? ive never heard that.. ive heard "man this bud is premature" plenty though
There is a singular truth we just never discover it all at once there is usually a refining process.

In the case of there being an exact perfect singular point in time to harvest for every single strain, I do not know if that does or ever will exist. Between the differences in landrace strains from around the world all evolving in different conditions and environments combined with massive number of man-made crosses There might not be a singular precise moment when harvesting any and ever strain would result in peak THC levels being achieved. Maybe there is but I learned long, long ago that a pure sativa when harvested when most trichomes were clear and roughly 5% to 10% had turned milky/cloudy gave the most potent high but harvesting some other strains, sativa/indica crosses, the same way would give a potent high but a short lived high that told me there were still to many precursors and that is why I waited until most trichomes were milky/cloudy with about 5% to 10% amber. Later I read that was the way to go so I have stuck with it. If new research proves what I stumbled across and then later read about to be wrong and clear is cool then I will give it another go for the types of strains it did not seem to work as well on as it did with a pure or very nearly pure sativa.

Now we are discovering that amber might be too late.

Now there is proof of that, but some of us discovered it ages ago, we just did not have scientific proof to support what we said.
have to say ,i been doin this for 20yrs and Brick Head i learn more an more from you thnx vm for info should be chargeing lol but +REP bud
OUTside that is new to this indoor
Not to be rude....but you can't inject THC. THC is an oil that is NOT water soluble. I call bullshit.

Source: Was a addict for 5 years. You named it, I injected it.

You can inject THC in it's crystalline form. The cannabinoids for many studies being conducted around the world are provided by a lab in Frankfurt Germany called I encourage you to click the link that reads "Produktatalog" then on the left under Categories click "Chemicals" then finally click on "Cannabinoids" you will see that they have 99% pure crystalline THC. Also take a look at this study showing them inject the test subject with THC:

Making Medicine, Chechero
If new research proves what I stumbled across and then later read about to be wrong and clear is cool then I will give it another go...

The spirit of learning is why we are all here! And yeah many cultivators like yourself were doing things right just going on instinct~

Making medicine, Chechero
The spirit of learning is why we are all here! And yeah many cultivators like yourself were doing things right just going on instinct~

Making medicine, Chechero

When I began to grow there were no books on how to grow cannabis. The Internet and sites like this had never even been imagined. There were no seedbanks where professional genetics could be purchased. You had to grow by the seat of your pants, so to speak.

The biggest early break I had in regards to growing came from meeting a guy I always refer to as 'the old hippie.' He wasn't really old, he was just enough older than me to seem old, that and he looked like Jerry Garcia and just looked older than he was. I worked evenings and weekends in a gas station and he used to come in driving a 48 Chevrolet. I did not know how to roll a joint yet and one evening I had forgotten my pipe and my friend who worked with me and I wanted to get high. 'The old hippie' came in and I figured he had to get high so I asked if he would roll a joint for me. He not only did but he taught me how and ever since I could roll with the best of them. In return for his help I gave him a dozen 2-liter bottle of 7-Up that we would give away one with every 10 gallons of gas. He felt he should give me something in return so he gave me a bud and it turned out to be the first sensi I ever saw/smoked.

When he came back in the next time I asked him about it and basically he took me under his wing and taught me what he knew. It was late 1972 and he had built his own hydro setup and he knew to separate males from females and he had a microscope and looked at things I had never heard of before, things that later I learned were called trichomes, and had a theory about how their coloration related to different levels of potency and when to harvest. The guy was decades ahead of anyone else I knew at the time.

Much of what he taught me later did turn out to be fact, though not all of it did, but it was mainly him that got me thinking more and paying closer attention to things and spotting the correlation between certain things. He taught me how to connect the right dots rather than the wrong dots, for the most part anyway.

Now today many of the things that he taught me, and the few things of his that I slightly fine tuned or polished, along with things others we knew learned through trial and error and then did are proven facts, but oddly many people today either choose to ignore them or inexplicably in this day and age somehow unaware of them.

There is little to no reason or need to play connect the dots in this era. What is known to be true is just that, true, and what dots are left to be connected are on a level that they will never be able to successfully and accurately be able to be connected in a basement or a closet or an attic or a store room or a spare room or a garage or in a green house or in a backyard and instead will only be able to be accurately connected in high tech labs.

That is why I am always amazed by the degree of refusal of facts by so many and their belief that experimentation will discover something new and amazing.

In all the years I have spent on sites like this reading about some 'new experiment' or some fad or voodoo growing technique that people go on and on about and call new and modern, the only one I can say I do not recall knowing to have been tried decades in the past is growing a plant upside down.

'The old hippie' and some other growers I knew wore out their library cards checking out books on horticulture and would read them cover to cover and tried various things to see what seemed to equally apply to cannabis plants, which turned out to be almost everything. Various training/shaping methods for ornamental plants were tried and the same basic techniques that many years later were given pot growing names were tried.

Some were impractical at the time because most growing was done outdoors due to indoor setups being very crude by today's standards and the crude indoor setups held back the degree of success of some methods, but the various methods of growing that are the norm today were in almost every case attempted and some with an acceptable enough degree of success that some growers would repeat them from time to time, sometimes often.

As much as the younger growers of today will never believe it, when it comes to growing there really isn't anything new under the sun. The only real difference is some things are practical too do now when they were not in the past. Due to advancements in indoor growing equipment ideas of the past that were impractical now are successful and commonly practiced growing methods. But the same things were thought up and the same things were tried ... it is just that most were abandoned by most growers due to not being practical at the time.

The modern mind is really not any more inventive or creative than minds of the past. The main difference is found in what people today have to use, what they have to work with that makes very old ideas that are believed to be new, now practical to do.

While not about growing consider the following as an example of the creativity of the human mind in the past, how inventive it could be many, many years in the past. In 1784 Benjamin Franklin had the idea of paratroopers. Considering that even just manned flight was still pretty far off in the future that was some pretty inventive and creative and advanced thinking.

"Where is the prince who can afford so to cover his country with troops for its defense, so that ten thousand men descending from the clouds might not, in many places, do an infinite deal of mischief before a force could be brought together to repel them?" Benjamin Franklin in 1784

In 1784 Benjamin Franklin had the idea of paratroopers. Considering that manned flight was still pretty far off in the future that was some pretty inventive and creative and advanced thinking for the time. All that was lacking was the ability to carry out the thought. Growing has been similar in that just about everything, if not everything, that is allegedly thought up today was actually thought of long ago but either unable to be done or in some cases found to be impractical to do due to limitations of what growers had to work with at the time.

The impractical became practical as equipment advancements were made, and some were still found to be impractical, or at least not successful enough to use them, but what is actually left to be learned will take high educated highly skilled researchers with high tech equipment, not kids in basements and closets etc. who believe they have minds that are more inventive or creative than that of anyone from the past.

Rather than play mad Doctor Ganjastein in their basements while believing they will discover something new they should instead spend their time learning all the things they know little to nothing about that have already been proven to be factual and then put that information to use and make the most of it and as modern research discovers more facts then add them to their base of knowledge and put them into use.
When I began to grow there were no books on how to grow cannabis. The Internet and sites like this had never even been imagined. There were no seedbanks where professional genetics could be purchased. You had to grow by the seat of your pants, so to speak.

The biggest early break I had in regards to growing came from meeting a guy I always refer to as 'the old hippie.' He wasn't really old, he was just enough older than me to seem old, that and he looked like Jerry Garcia and just looked older than he was. I worked evenings and weekends in a gas station and he used to come in driving a 48 Chevrolet. I did not know how to roll a joint yet and one evening I had forgotten my pipe and my friend who worked with me and I wanted to get high. 'The old hippie' came in and I figured he had to get high so I asked if he would roll a joint for me. He not only did but he taught me how and ever since I could roll with the best of them. In return for his help I gave him a dozen 2-liter bottle of 7-Up that we would give away one with every 10 gallons of gas. He felt he should give me something in return so he gave me a bud and it turned out to be the first sensi I ever saw/smoked.

When he came back in the next time I asked him about it and basically he took me under his wing and taught me what he knew. It was late 1972 and he had built his own hydro setup and he knew to separate males from females and he had a microscope and looked at things I had never heard of before, things that later I learned were called trichomes, and had a theory about how their coloration related to different levels of potency and when to harvest. The guy was decades ahead of anyone else I knew at the time.

Much of what he taught me later did turn out to be fact, though not all of it did, but it was mainly him that got me thinking more and paying closer attention to things and spotting the correlation between certain things. He taught me how to connect the right dots rather than the wrong dots, for the most part anyway.

Now today many of the things that he taught me, and the few things of his that I slightly fine tuned or polished, along with things others we knew learned through trial and error and then did are proven facts, but oddly many people today either choose to ignore them or inexplicably in this day and age somehow unaware of them.

There is little to no reason or need to play connect the dots in this era. What is known to be true is just that, true, and what dots are left to be connected are on a level that they will never be able to successfully and accurately be able to be connected in a basement or a closet or an attic or a store room or a spare room or a garage or in a green house or in a backyard and instead will only be able to be accurately connected in high tech labs.

That is why I am always amazed by the degree of refusal of facts by so many and their belief that experimentation will discover something new and amazing.

In all the years I have spent on sites like this reading about some 'new experiment' or some fad or voodoo growing technique that people go on and on about and call new and modern, the only one I can say I do not recall knowing to have been tried decades in the past is growing a plant upside down.

'The old hippie' and some other growers I knew wore out their library cards checking out books on horticulture and would read them cover to cover and tried various things to see what seemed to equally apply to cannabis plants, which turned out to be almost everything. Various training/shaping methods for ornamental plants were tried and the same basic techniques that many years later were given pot growing names were tried.

Some were impractical at the time because most growing was done outdoors due to indoor setups being very crude by today's standards and the crude indoor setups held back the degree of success of some methods, but the various methods of growing that are the norm today were in almost every case attempted and some with an acceptable enough degree of success that some growers would repeat them from time to time, sometimes often.

As much as the younger growers of today will never believe it, when it comes to growing there really isn't anything new under the sun. The only real difference is some things are practical too do now when they were not in the past. Due to advancements in indoor growing equipment ideas of the past that were impractical now are successful and commonly practiced growing methods. But the same things were thought up and the same things were tried ... it is just that most were abandoned by most growers due to not being practical at the time.

The modern mind is really not any more inventive or creative than minds of the past. The main difference is found in what people today have to use, what they have to work with that makes very old ideas that are believed to be new, now practical to do.

While not about growing consider the following as an example of the creativity of the human mind in the past, how inventive it could be many, many years in the past. In 1784 Benjamin Franklin had the idea of paratroopers. Considering that even just manned flight was still pretty far off in the future that was some pretty inventive and creative and advanced thinking.

"Where is the prince who can afford so to cover his country with troops for its defense, so that ten thousand men descending from the clouds might not, in many places, do an infinite deal of mischief before a force could be brought together to repel them?" Benjamin Franklin in 1784

In 1784 Benjamin Franklin had the idea of paratroopers. Considering that manned flight was still pretty far off in the future that was some pretty inventive and creative and advanced thinking for the time. All that was lacking was the ability to carry out the thought. Growing has been similar in that just about everything, if not everything, that is allegedly thought up today was actually thought of long ago but either unable to be done or in some cases found to be impractical to do due to limitations of what growers had to work with at the time.

The impractical became practical as equipment advancements were made, and some were still found to be impractical, or at least not successful enough to use them, but what is actually left to be learned will take high educated highly skilled researchers with high tech equipment, not kids in basements and closets etc. who believe they have minds that are more inventive or creative than that of anyone from the past.

Rather than play mad Doctor Ganjastein in their basements while believing they will discover something new they should instead spend their time learning all the things they know little to nothing about that have already been proven to be factual and then put that information to use and make the most of it and as modern research discovers more facts then add them to their base of knowledge and put them into use.
man we need to find u a date