Trichomes on seedlings??


Hi guys,

I just started a grow using White Russian seeds and I had a look at the leaves on the little ones because they looked frosty already. Sure enough almost all my seedling have trichomes on them, is this ok? I have never heard of this happening before.

These little ones are just over a week old, I do have a journal started on these but it seems it wont let me add pics :(

Also one looks like it has a little nute burn which has thrown me a bit because I have not used any nutes yet.



Well-Known Member
yes they are, trichomes in their infancy, some will say theyre not trichs, that they are just the fine hairs on the plant leaves, but Ive looked at them under a scope on my seedlings and seen clearly the round transparent globe like structure I know as a trichome head there(mixed in with the fine hairs that are quite different) and lacking the stalk you see on mature trichomes in your buds/plant


Do you think that may be why one looks burnt then? Should I raise the T5 a little, as it is only about a foot away? Thanks brimck :)


Well-Known Member
could be numerous things causing it bro. i don't use t-5 but i know they keep em fairly close, so i wouldn't think they would burn at that distance.