Trichs never turn amber: NEED ADVISE

I've had this problem that my trichs never really turn amber. I've experienced this before. I seems to keep happening. I have 3 diff strains here.trichs are all cloudy. They have been blooming for 9 to 10 weeks now. Any advise? Should I bring the light down to 10 on 14 off? Been flushing about a week. Using a 600hps and a led for a little extra. Pro mix medium. Using humbolt bloom, fox farm bloom, little bit of gravity and overdrive once a few weeks ago


aussie originals

Active Member
get some patience. i never pull before 10 weeks and most strains run between 10-14 weeks in my experience. been growing for yrs and i have never found a plant that is properly finished in 8 weeks.


Active Member
She/they do not look ready yet, need to be patient at this stage. Couple of weeks to go possibly more, just wait it out the amber will come when they are ready and well worth the wait.


Well-Known Member
Do the most scientific test out there if your worried. Pull off a little bud and dry it for three days and then smoke it. If it tastes awful you know you need to wait. If it puts you on your ass and gives you cotton mouth chop it all. :):):)


Well-Known Member
Like above me said....

Yester day a guy came on here complaining that his MJ didn't have the kick that he thought it should....
He harvested too soon....
Do you want to harvest too soon and be disappointed? Do it now.... OK... did ya harvest?
NO? Good... now wait until:
#1-plant does not make any new white hairs....
#2-The hairs on it, will recede into the bud...
#3-The Calyxes will swell up double triple size...
The door to harvest opens, and then you---
Then you check for amber...
When my buds look like yours... They have 10-17 days left....
Good Luck!


Well-Known Member
^ So what happens if you are growing a strain that keeps making white hairs forever?
Sativas will continue to shoot out new growth if you do not harvest it correctly.


Well-Known Member
You're getting close -- hang on. You say you're growing three strains. What are they? By the leaf structure in the pictures, I'd say they're all Sativa-dominant, which means they're going to need a little longer than something with more Indica in them.


Well-Known Member
Yaaa buddy! Smoke it! And what sand4 said. I did have a sativa that went 16 weeks that just would not stop spitting out white pistils....till i took the sweet saw to em. Then they stfu. :):):)


Well-Known Member
If you know the strain you can but its not exactly the best way. Its my number two indicator though. Microscope, pistals, then sugar leaves.


Well-Known Member
It all depends on what strains your running as to how long they flower. I've just finished up some that was fully done that only took 7 weeks. From seed to flower mind you.. And they wasn't autos. So it just all depends on the strain Sativa/Indica, lighting, nutrients, all that really..
get some patience. i never pull before 10 weeks and most strains run between 10-14 weeks in my experience. been growing for yrs and i have never found a plant that is properly finished in 8 weeks.


Well-Known Member
Yes. 12/12 all the way.. And like said, when they are finished you'll know. All those "white pistols" that come shooting out of all the buds, when those shrink and turn colors, then your trichs should be starting to turn, or already getting cloudy/amber.
Thanx guys!! I didn't chop em yet I'll wait a couple more weeks. Does everybody do 12/12 all the way till the end?
image.jpgimage.jpgimage.jpgOk this indica plant seems to have the hairs receding into the buds and the hairs are 99% orange. Still milky trichs. I basically looked over the whole plant and there's like 3 amber trichs, same as a week ago. It's a clone from a ramulan mother I got from Colorado. It was killer smoke grown out their by other people, trying it out for myself now. Keep going or chop it??
image.jpgAnd here's my random sativas. One is a clone and the bulkier lookin one is from seed that I found in a bag of Stoney weed. They keep shooting new white hairs on the tops. It seems like it won't stop making new flowers but yet it's been flowering since mid October. Is this normal?

