Tricks for sexing


Active Member
I've read a few little snippets here and there about tricks to try and force your plants to go female. Everything from nute regiments to interrupting the dark light cycle with some light trying to force the plants female.
I was just wondering if anyone here has tried anything and found any sort of increase in girls from it. I figure with some of you guys having many many years of experience someone has had to have tried something...


Well-Known Member
Take clones. Great chance of females that way.

If you want them from seed there are many things you can do to influence female growth. Less light per day, lower temperatures, high humidity, good N levels.

The most important thing you can do is not stress out your plants. Oh and interrupting dark cycle is bad for your plants, good way of getting hermies/males imo.


Active Member
Thanks, I'm currently in the works of altering my setup so I can start some new seedlings, because I was being a noob and killed two of my three starters this time around and I'm just left with one plant. I guess on the front of not stressing the plant. What's the best time to transplant? My current baby is very healthy looking but only about 9 days since breaking ground now, still doesn't seem to be in any danger in it's current pot, but I have a huge pot I can transplant too. I'm just wondering when the best time to do it is. Should I go ahead and move it since I plan to anyway since it's looking strong now. Or should I give the main stalk some more time to strengthen? (I started with the light to far away and it grew a tad tall before I got it back under control... it really shot up though)