tricom help


Well-Known Member
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This is a tricom shot of green crack that has been in flower for 8 weeks. She's so heavy now hers buds are weighing down here branches. All within the last 2 weeks. Question, how do my tricoms look. They look clear to me then I faintly find a couple amber ones but cant make out cloudy ones. Any help is good, thanks.


Well-Known Member
Planning to water the green crack once more either tonight or tomorrow then down she comes 7 days from then. Id say she 85% milky and 10% clear and 5% amber. I would like her more heady than couch lock high which is why im leaning more towards and early harvest verse late. My Pineapple on the other hand still has plenty of white hairs week 9 into flower :( . Until those fade I wont even check the tricomes. Heres a pic of the pinapple

