Tricomes stoped evolving


The tricomes where getting a bit cloudy and it was going nice but then they stopped growing, the tricomes stoped changing, and it has been like this for about 2 weeks.

I turned the light down a tiny bit to simulate autum but idk if it works.
I don't know what is should do, any advice would be awesome right now, thanks!


Well-Known Member
trichomes continuously grow and die then regrow. sounds like just more trichomes have appeared and it threw you off. some times plant have a second burst in flower, where you think they will be ready to chop then they just start growing again. give her time.


Well-Known Member
The tricomes where getting a bit cloudy and it was going nice but then they stopped growing, the tricomes stoped changing, and it has been like this for about 2 weeks.

I turned the light down a tiny bit to simulate autum but idk if it works.
I don't know what is should do, any advice would be awesome right now, thanks!
What nutrients are you using? Lights?