Tried many different things but still have sick babies check out the pics please


Active Member
Hey everyone u guys have been giving me kickass advice since i signed up here and im slowly learning enough to be able to help other people out...I have one big problem though that i have no idea how to figure out. After about 3 weeks of 24/7 light growth the tops of a couple plants started going really yellow and shrivelled and the bottom leaves were getting brown spots and going yellow after a few days as well...I found out last week that the ph in my water was 8.5!!. so i adjusted it to about 6.8 and have watered about 3 times since..i read on this forum that maybe the yellow tops is a sulphur def and to treat with epsom salts but that doesn't seem to be working. I thought it may have been a nitrogen def so i gave them water with diluted ferts (30-15-15) but then lower leaves on the plants are becoming crispy i have noo idea what it is ...maybe root bound??? there are 4 plants in an 8 gallon rubbermaid container and the tallest one is only like 7 inches. I am soo worried about them could u guys please help me out thanks.

Plants are about one month old and looked great until about 10 days ago.



New Member
If they are in hydro then 6.8 is too high... you want it around 5.8

Also if you were feeding with that high a pH and you haven't flushed out the locked-up nutes, then lowering the pH with feed will unlock the builtup nutes and you will end up overfeeding.

Flush the plants with good pH water (no nutes)... then allow to recover for a few days.

jay cas

Well-Known Member
ph of 6.8 is fine for soil. early defficiancies are normally nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium since these are the main elements needed. from the sound of things, this is not the problem, it the pics suggest that its not a nitrogen od. over nuting w/ phosphorus and potassium cause difficiancies in other elemements, so that may be part of the problem. the ridged leaves leads me to believe there is temp fuctuation. more specificly temp is getting to cold at night. i could be wrong but those ridgid leaves are typically tell tail signs of cold weather and inadiquate lighting. hope that helps some ps get rid of the foil


Active Member
hey i flushed the plants with about 12 gallons of ph corrected to (6.4) of distilled water. the first run off test i did had the ph at a whopping 8.5!!! like dark blue ...and no its noty hydro its soil thanks!!!


Active Member
ohh and do you have to flush all at once ...i wasn't able to so i only got about 2/3 of the way there (8gallon of soil X 3 times the amount of water)

jay cas

Well-Known Member
Naw Man,16 Gallons Of Water Should Deff Do It... You May Want To Consider Transplanting Them Into There Own Personal Containers. Your Setting Your Self Up For Problems If Your Planning On Keeping Em In The Same Container


Well-Known Member
what material did you start those in. Looks like a cardboard moss type thing. If so you may have a root bound problem cause it normally restricts cause the roots cant break through


Active Member
well i have 8 gallons of soil for 4 plants which i want to reach about 2 feet tall so thats about right ..isn't it one gallon of soil for every a foot of growth u want...and the plants look sooo much better now after just like 12 hours afrter the flush leaves are perked up turning nice and green again and they no longer droop thanks again guys u rock...


jay cas

Well-Known Member
its just easier to treat plants as individuals when problems start happening. your right on about the soil to growth measurment. putting plants in thier own containers will just make treating plant problems less complicated