Trim before or after??????



our crop is done now.. it looks great. we have tore them down. should we hang them to dry first or can we trim it now and dry the buds then. we were gonna leave the buds on long stem so we can hang them on rope but just trim everything else off. Or should we leave them and hang them as is .........jennz


Well-Known Member

our crop is done now.. it looks great. we have tore them down. should we hang them to dry first or can we trim it now and dry the buds then. we were gonna leave the buds on long stem so we can hang them on rope but just trim everything else off. Or should we leave them and hang them as is .........jennz
do both,see what you like!!


well we have come to that discovery lol. we trimmed 13 big plants through the weekend to dry but still had to large plants left so we hung them out while at work. well already the leaves have wrapped up around the bud and is very wet & sticky. hopefully when they dry its not as hard as it is right now lol. next batch im buying a trimmer my back is killin me !!!


Well-Known Member
its much harder to trim when your crop is dry.

Exactly. Man, I hate it when I get lazy and let them start drying before I trim, because it's much more of a pain in the ass, although both ways are a pain in the ass. :lol: But, I haven't done this, but have read it a few times, that if you hang them with the leaves on, the leaves will hang down and compress the buds a little, giving them more of a 'nugget look'. I'd do some experimenting, if I were you, and see what you prefer. :)


Active Member
I know a lot of people who leave the leaves on, they claim it protects the buds.
From what? Your guess is as good as mine. :) I like trimming mine before I hang 'em up to dry.


ya were gonna let these 2 finish drying not trimmed. all the others are done so at least we will know whats best for us next time. our room looks awsome with ropes hanging from one end to the other pretty !!! but definitaly buying a trimmer


Well-Known Member
Advanced makes something called The Quick Cure net, it gives me a ton of room for drying buds without taking up any space.I dont know if thats a problem for you, but somtimes it can be hard to find room to hang everything( the smell alone can be a huge problem). with a small fan blowing on it the net can dry my crop in about 6 days. And when I say dry I mean the stem snaps when u bend it.


ya we have a pretty big room downstairs that we r using. we also own a glass shop so we have made a bunch of screens to lye them on that seems to work really good. i think for the last 2 plants we r leaving them to dry with the leaves on only because we had to go to work and we already hung them up so now they r super sticky and the leaves r wrapped around . so its already impossible lol so we might as well wait. i was trying to find some post on drying and the only thing i dound on here was one guy saying u should dry and cure for 3 to 8 wekks :( i hope not


Active Member
I've heard of people leaving the leaves on while drying because it takes the buds longer to dry, giving more time for the chlorophyll to evaporate from the buds. I've read chlorophyll makes the bud harsh so that's why it helps.


Well-Known Member
You should dry for atleast 7-10 days. when the stem snaps its a proper dry. the longer it cures in a jar the better the weed. After about 30 days you will see a huge diff in the herb.However you can smoke the weed after its dryed but curing makes it the shiz and gives you the real power of the thc. After drying I store it in a jar and just take has needed, but the longer in the jar the better. And save yourself the hassle and trim before, leaving the leafs gives you no extra benifits. A proper dry will get rid of the plant taste.


Active Member
I know a lot of people who leave the leaves on, they claim it protects the buds.
From what? Your guess is as good as mine. :) I like trimming mine before I hang 'em up to dry.
from drying too quickly. read it in high times. slower dry... mellower smoke..
also, it protects trichome from also seeing any light and degrading.


So curing in the jar is the best way? in the fridge is no good ? all in all im super excited how this has turned out ( we have had probs right from the get go ) this is our first time with hydro a guy we know got us started, but his equip is the shits and his brains were no better. problem after problem but a lot of hard work and everything panned out. the hydro was good but i dont think was to its full potential because of the problems. we had 4 plants in dirt and they kicked ass. But we bought a whole new hydro system. and gained a ton of knowledge so i know this time will be kick ass we have seen the problems that can come and will be prepared tis time.


Well-Known Member
Yes curing in jars is the best. Freezing your weed will keep already cured bud fresh but will make the thc brittle and break off more then normal. Keep in a jar, air out once a day, take herb as needed. the longer in the jar the more powerful and better tasting it becomes( but you can smoke the weed after a good 7-10 dry without curing. Also I tried hydro once and it seemed to much of a hassle. I have a very simple soil grow under a 1000w hps 4 x 4 room and get great results.


ya ive always had good results with dirt. everyone says that dirt can never keep up with the hydro when done right so i guess i will find out next time. we have a bout a 6 x 12 maybe with 3 1000 hps light and a 400 15 plants