Trim fan leaves? 6 weeks from 12-12


These babies were put on 12-12 from seed and they're looking wonderful. I'm thinking about trimming all fan leaves, maybe leaving a couple on them. You think I would be a good idea. Just the huge fan leaves that are covering the budsites.

Here are some photos.



personally, i into the 2nd week of flowering with my white widow and although yes, id love as much light to the bud as possible, you also have to remember that fan leaves absorb light and distribute it throughout the plant through photosynthesis. they have more surface area than the flower and therefore can utilize all the light provided.


So does it matter if the buds get direct light or would the fan leave feed the buds? I'm a little confused, cause I read a lot of people saying "more light to the buds" or something along those lines.


Active Member
some will trim a few off and others will only trim a few inches up from the soil. im one that wont pull anything off unless its fully dead. fan leaves are the solar panlels for the plant and the bigger ones can take in the most in my opinion. if you have to tuck some off to the side or tie them,ide leave as many on as you can


its each to their own bro. some people trim, some people leave it. you will argue about it till the cows come home but at the end of the day its about what you prefer. personally, i see it as a natural thing for fans leaves to be there, so why mess with it u know? do remove the yellow/dying leaves as they provide no nutrients for the rest of the plant...their life is done. but what is healthy, is healthy just leave it in my opinion..dont create any unwanted stress on the plant that could cause it to hermie on you.


In an outdoor grow i personally will not cut leaves. Indoor there is only so much space and artificial lights. I prefer to lolypop my indoor, remove all the leaves and bud sites leaving only big flowers on the tops of the branch creating a canopy of flowers. I just harvested a plant that I let grow without removing lower leaves and flowers and I have all these tiny popcorn nugs that I don't want and are hard to sell. Ican make hash but I prefer the good dense bud for that. In the end to each their own, research differnt growing methods and then grow the plant however is best for you and have fun.


In an outdoor grow i personally will not cut leaves. Indoor there is only so much space and artificial lights. I prefer to lolypop my indoor, remove all the leaves and bud sites leaving only big flowers on the tops of the branch creating a canopy of flowers. I just harvested a plant that I let grow without removing lower leaves and flowers and I have all these tiny popcorn nugs that I don't want and are hard to sell. Ican make hash but I prefer the good dense bud for that. In the end to each their own, research differnt growing methods and then grow the plant however is best for you and have fun.
That's what I'm thinking, because I have limited space I'm opting for lollipopping.

Thank guys.


Active Member
Iv always trimmed most or all of my fan leaves during the whole time in flower never effected how my grow went. I did one plant in a 5gal pot under a 150w hps trimmed all trough flower and supercropped trough flower and still harvested a quarter-pound. I have a few pictures to show how much i trimmed.


Close to Harvest



Well-Known Member
this shouldn't be an argument don't trim your fan leaves like others said above me hey need em for photosynthesis, without the proper amount of fan leaves you do more harm then good, like the guy just above me a qp off that plant. dude you shoulda pulled an easy lb with a super cropped monster like that, general rule of thumb if there's less fan leaves then there is height of the plant your doing it wrong.
i'm not gonna say i know the exact science but lets break it down for you guys, you leave your fan leaves on think of it like standing beside the oceans lots of air good breeze mm smells nice. now immagine plucking your fan leaves is like standing ontop of a mountain yea your still able to breath but it's much harder because the MAIN thing required to keep you alive is lacking, if you chop your leaves you will stunt your growth up to 50%, this really shouldn't be something argued about. if you want to waste time and money and effort fighting your self pull your leaves.....


Active Member
why would u trim the fan leaves ever unless on a cutting.? Dont do it! The fan leaves r where the plant sucks up and gets all its energy from. If you cut em off you lose size and slow down the finishing time. Only pluck the ones that are over 50% dead and you don't even have to do that. Not jorge cervantes or anything but you don't want to take live healthy fan leaves off a plant period.


Well-Known Member
just leave your leaves on. all you're doing is stunting the plant

pull of dead or almost dead leaves that have stopped producing or providing to the plant entirely