Trimmed the sun leaves


Well-Known Member
Stump is right, you're taking away the plants energy collectors( fan leaves). New growers ALWAYS try to do too much. just water it and let it do its thing. At least untill you KNOW exactly what your doing. We've all been there. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
At this point let them go. They might stall on growing for a few weeks due to shock. but they should be ok. STOP cutting on them. The only leaf a noob should remove is a dried up yellow shrivled dead one.


Well-Known Member i dont think you guys are entirely correct, ive trimmed plenty of leaves off (fan leaves) and it doesnt harm the plant or do anything hurtful to it. it still grows, and still collects the energy it needs, minus the leaves. you just want to keep a few fan leaves, dont take off alot, just enough to let all of the plant get some light on each spot. ur advise that guy gave u was correct, he just mite have forgot to add that u still want some of the fan leaves on the plant, hell ive taken off all my fan leaves before on a plant, still grew just fine, more undergrowth really than the others, but hey, ur choice man.


Active Member
I left 2 sets of sun leaves and theres a third set growing out. The guy that told me to cut the ones I did said that it would allow that fan leaves to get more light thus causing them to grow better.
You can do quite a bit to these plants and they'll keep coming back, so I'm not too worried. This plant was planted forgotten then re-discovered half way through growing so... not my best work anyways. :)


Well-Known Member
You should think about topping it. It would give you the desired tops you want. Also, judging by the picture, you should let the soil dry out completely. If you topped it and transplanted it into a deeper pot, this thing would get beautiful... Good luck


Well-Known Member
The key is staying within yourself. In other words "prune" to your level of ability. Do it with knowledgeable intent and purpose. And no-one would EVER cut off like half of their leaves. Never mind ALL of them, thats ridiculous. LMAO


Active Member
I was told to top it by several people but my husband already started it on 12/12 4 days ago, so i was under the impression that wasn't a good idea. If I did top it, do I need that rose wax or whatever?


Well-Known Member
Well you should have topped it B4 you hacked its leaves off. I wouldn't do it now, but I'm not going to stop you am I? LOL Who's growing this thing? YOU or is this a community effort? LOL
ALL in favor of choppin its head off...........?


Well-Known Member
I pinch mine just after the 4th node. I'm no expert and I know I did some things wrong gut still got more then a n oz out of it.

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Well-Known Member
crap sorry for some reason I saw dudes not buds. you might check out the 101 grow thread. The Doc helped my grow alot. and sorry right pic for the pinch but I haven't harvested that one yet. but so far all the rest have been dbl. the last two grows with the same seeds. last grow avg 80g wet. This grow 160g. this one got chopped last night. wet 168g Should dry to around 50g.
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Well-Known Member
My first grow too, but I think you go back in your life to school biology and remember the science behind plant growth the two two vital parts inside the plant are the xylem and the phloem cells they deliver water and minerals in one your job, and through photosynthesis chlorophyll through the other from the plants leaves. So in retrospect less leaves less FOOD (chlorophyll) Comprende.