trimming fan leaves?


Well-Known Member
new at this and was wondering how you go about trimming the fan leaves,

IM a week into flower and didnt originally wanna trim anything, but I was told its perfectly alright.

There are some bud sites Id like to get more light to where the fan leaves are blocking.

Do I trim the leaf at the begining of the leaf or any higher or lower?? Anything else I should take into mind before trimming fan leaves??

Thanks a lot


Well-Known Member
just dont. the only thing you should cut off is dead leaves. why try something and possably have horable results when you could just leave it and see great results.

at the same time some people swear by trimming the larger leaves off.

now you are talking about just the big fan leaves right? the first ones to come out befor the branches start to grow? i would not cut anything but those off, the other leaves are important. (more so than the others)


Well-Known Member
I dont cut any leave... the more leave the more CO2 and light the plant can take... Means bigger yield... Just put few Daylight CFL in the undergrowth (even if it's not the best for flowering) the light will helps the underbuds to develop btw...


Well-Known Member
thanks for the suggestions, I was talking about removing the bigger fan leaves that are blocking too much light, probably no more than 2 or 3 per plant.. WHat do you think??



New Member
Bend them out of the way and see if that works. If they come back, bend them again. Those fan leaves are the gas tank for the buds. The lower fan leaves will die on their own from lack of light. Then you take them off and hash oil them.


Well-Known Member
No do not remove any that aren't dying your plant needs all those leafs. Removing them does not help your buds.


Well-Known Member
leave a dying leaf there until there no more than a dry dead shitty leaf because the plant feeds on it when it's becoming yellowish, until nothing left in the leaf... Mother Nature doesn't trim fan leaf? dont trim it ;)


Well-Known Member
^^^ lol mother nature doesnt grow in rockwool or expanded clay or use a closet and light bulbs either, mother nature has wind, not fans... every indoor grow is an artaficial environment.

the general consensus on removing fan leaves is that its a bad thing and hormonaly it is. hormones are stored in the larger fan leaves, removing them will throw your plant into hormonal inbalance. not to meantion the streas induced by cutting off living parts of the plant... cutting off all the big fan leaves can be compaired to having someone stomp on your balls over and over and over and then when theyre done, cutting them off...

people leave you alone and stop telling you not to do it if you tell them its just something you want to try, ya know experament. i have seen amazing results when people cut all the fan leaves off, but ive also seen compleat failures because of removing alot of them...


Well-Known Member
like was said, tucking your leaves is a great way to achive similar results, all you have to do is tuck the larger fan leaves back behind newly growing branches, so that the new growth on the branches is in total light, the more direct light they are in the faster they will grow.

i personaly top most of my plants. i like bushes. i usualy LST and i always tuck bigger leaves under smaller ones. i dont cut leaves off unless they are extreamly damaged. other than that i dont cut anything, when the plant is doen with the leaves it just drops them, when theres no more chips in the bag it throws it away, so dont throw away food man... if you notice yellowing, give the leaf a little tug and if it comes off its all good, if not leav it. takes a little more time and care but thats good for the plant and alot better than stunting it by streasing it out and cutting it up.


Well-Known Member
I dont cut any leave... the more leave the more CO2 and light the plant can take... Means bigger yield... Just put few Daylight CFL in the undergrowth (even if it's not the best for flowering) the light will helps the underbuds to develop btw...
side lighting is probly the best way to get rid of any shading problems. a few of the regular cfls would do better for this phase... closer to the same spec as the hps.


Well-Known Member
hell cut them all of. If you dont like lots of buds. or any for that matter. This is super important dude. DONT cut fan leaves. Not to sound dick or anything but its jist retarted dont do it there are better ways. use twine zipties garden stakes and such to manipulate your plant around. Canopy managment is vital to a succesfull yeild! You seem to be doing a great job so far in your pictures. I would hate to see you get less than what you deserve in your crop. You should get another light if you feel the underbrush of your plants is too dimly lit. or lollipop it. cut off the lower growths to redirect growth to the tops of your plants. or you could tuck your leaves as glassfreak said. That would probably be your easiest option. Adding more light would be the preferred option tho if oyu can. especially now that you enter flower. Im actulaay in the same stage of growth as you are right now. Best wishes and good luck


Well-Known Member
like was said, tucking your leaves is a great way to achive similar results, all you have to do is tuck the larger fan leaves back behind newly growing branches, so that the new growth on the branches is in total light, the more direct light they are in the faster they will grow.

i personaly top most of my plants. i like bushes. i usualy LST and i always tuck bigger leaves under smaller ones. i dont cut leaves off unless they are extreamly damaged. other than that i dont cut anything, when the plant is doen with the leaves it just drops them, when theres no more chips in the bag it throws it away, so dont throw away food man... if you notice yellowing, give the leaf a little tug and if it comes off its all good, if not leav it. takes a little more time and care but thats good for the plant and alot better than stunting it by streasing it out and cutting it up.
yeah wot he said just tuck them under the bud sites:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I prefer not to cut but bend (to have a Bush) the baby plant down for the first week and has soon as there's a new growth I bend it again and again... (using wire, rope or anything similar)