Trimming leaves?

Johnney Herbz

Active Member
When the plants don't want the leaves they will die. When they are almost dead then you can cut them off.

KISS = Keep It Simple Stupid

Grumpy Old Dreamer

Well-Known Member
I think that those plants need all the leaves that they have at the moment - don't be in a hurry to cut leaves unless you need to do it to improve air circulation.

The leaves are there for a reason and while they are green, they are doing a valuable job.


Well-Known Member
Normally, I'd advise against it, except in this case.....cut the ones off that are touching the soil. That's too risky, inviting fungus/molds issues, etc....

(if they are actually touching the soil. It's hard to tell in the 2nd pic)


Well-Known Member
Don't really look like they're touching to me, but maybe.
If they are,,, just cut 1/2 the leaf that touches. Otherwise, let nature do it's thing.
Looking like a bud site, nurture it. Maybe lst the top to make room for the near future growth?

Looking a tiny bit stretched for my taste. Overall, looking really good from here.

I suspect you'll be smiling with this one.:clap:


Photo on 2010-10-23 at 22.16.jpgPhoto on 2010-10-23 at 22.17 #2.jpgPhoto on 2010-10-24 at 00.18 #4.jpg It's getting crowded in there haven't made a cut. Should i start now? there almost ready for flowering 4th week


Well-Known Member
what they said. why are your plants zip tied like that? how is light reaching those leaves? and on another note, are you going to make a new account if prop 19 doesn't pass?


Well-Known Member
When the plants don't want the leaves they will die. When they are almost dead then you can cut them off.

KISS = Keep It Simple Stupid
Here one to go with KISS, PPPPP, Preperation Prevents Piss Poor Performance.(Not really relevant in this thread but there you go.)

Yeah, I find leaves that are ready to come off, will pull off when ready,, with the smallest amount of force. And like someone has said if they are touching the ground or soil, Id take them off.
Take it easy...:leaf:


Here one to go with KISS, PPPPP, Preperation Prevents Piss Poor Performance.(Not really relevant in this thread but there you go.)

Yeah, I find leaves that are ready to come off, will pull off when ready,, with the smallest amount of force. And like someone has said if they are touching the ground or soil, Id take them off.
Take it easy...:leaf:
i trimmed leaves that were not getting light and leaves that were touching ground. another question, i've been using GH flora system with bio root for the veg stage now going into flowering stage i want to use advanced nutrients bud factor x and bud candy will it cause a problem? do i add bio root for the flowering stage?can u suggest good flowering nutrients?


Well-Known Member
Im not sure if using the bud factor x and candy will conflict with each other. I havnt used them so... I recommend bio bizz top-max. This is a stimulant which aids in sugar and water transportion, increasing no only bud size but more bud sites. Thats from my tests, using for one not for the other. It has full range of macro and micro nutes,is in lquid form to aid dissolving/mixing,and works.
I use that and Bio bloom, also bio bizz, in flower. They are organic, resonably priced and work. There are so many flowering ferts and stims that I would advice a fert for every 3 days and stim every day. Just depends on what the manufactors says if it can be used together or sepreate. The top max and bio bloom work better independtly(apparnetly).
I emailed bio bizz with questions and they not only answered my question directly they took the time to explain how, and why it helps. woth plenty of product info.
Id just try and see with a dilute mix and work up to full doze. Hope that helps
Take it easy,,
the leaves are still fairly green an not touching the soil so it should still be fine. cut them if they dry an begin to curl an wilt. if the leaves touch the soild it introduces more chances for fungi/molds an such.
good looking gorw though.