Trimming my first plant ever


Well-Known Member
Aight i started trimming my one plant becuase it started to get worse than ever. I had problems for about two three weeks wiht damn bud worms so i took the liberity to cut the plant down early. I find a lot of fucing awesome ass clusters and damn they look amazing but i want to keep some of the good stuff that hasent turned brown so can i cut away all the bad bud that the caterpillars shit on and dry the good parts would that be aight or am i going to wake up and see that they were still in there and shit on my good buds too


Well-Known Member
Aight i started trimming my one plant becuase it started to get worse than ever. I had problems for about two three weeks wiht damn bud worms so i took the liberity to cut the plant down early. I find a lot of fucing awesome ass clusters and damn they look amazing but i want to keep some of the good stuff that hasent turned brown so can i cut away all the bad bud that the caterpillars shit on and dry the good parts would that be aight or am i going to wake up and see that they were still in there and shit on my good buds too
Cut off the badly damaged flowers and you can keep the buds to dry; although when the buds are drying you will see the worms on top of the drying flowers and then you can pick them off.


Well-Known Member
yeaa i cant wait to see htem i want to fucking torture them but fuck it lol i cant believe how bad they damaged the whole plant sucks