This is my 4th grow ,never have messed with fan leaves before now ,i know i should have not messed with them but wanted the answer myself ,The plants were growing great the were 23 inches tall so i went and pulled all the fan leaves ,there are numerous bud sites and the plants are doing well i am at day 42 of flower ,it has stunted the growth as far as taller ,they are 25 inches tall and have grown this strain before and they should be 35-40 inches tall ,now all the bud sites do look good they are swelling ,water/feeding is 7 days when previous grow was every 4th day I feed the Tokengrow tea very simple ,have used it on all previous grows got 18 zips from 4 plants last time .So my answer is NO dont cut your fan leaves ,when they turn yellow then pull them Happy Farming ,Cajun